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Reinstalling Morrowind


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The version of Morrowind I have installed on my computer is now cluttered by all kinds of plugins, and instead of cleaning up the directory I thought of installing Morrowind again on a new hard drive I have bought, which, by the way, should be faster. Now, I wanted to know; I think I have misplaced my Tribunal CD, so I only have the Morrowind and Bloodmoon CDs to use in the installation. Is it possible to salvage the Tribunal plugin from the version of Morrowind which I have already installed, and to use it in the new installation, or do I have to ransack my house and find that damn CD? :)
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Well, you could try copying the Tribunal data file and art archive, then installing it between Morrowind and Bloodmoon. However, there is likely a registry key or some other sign of installation that is obscured from us lowly mortals -- ergo, the Tribunal components won't get patched by Bloodmoon, resulting in a mixed version. If that doesn't cause problems, you can probably put off looking for that CD.


If it does, however, then the path you must take is obvious -- and fer chrissakes, back the thing up to yer HD... Bethesda was kind enough to make Morrowind and all its expansions installable from a local directory.

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