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DLC mods


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As I'm playing Honest Hearts (my courier and her cigarette run for the Sierra Madre Vending Machine in the BOS bunker!) I am stuck in that Zion Nation al Park seems kinda bare considering I'm playing with the Flora Overhaul in the Mohave. Now, Big MT looks desolate, and that's deliberate given the experiments and such, The Devide is an egological disaster zone less than four years old and Sierra Madre's cloud kills everything, so the bleakness in them is justified. Zion? Sort of. at the very least, the burned and broken trees models need to be replaced (with a Green world pack) and this is a problem I saw very clearly at Camp Golf as well.


Which gets me thinking: are there mods for the DLCs? I mean not weapon mods, neither I not my Courier needs more weapons. What I'm talking about are cosmetic changes that subtley change the feel and ambiance of the DLC, like Wasteland Flora does for Vegas or increase utility, such as the Old World Blues Tweaks. I know there's a World of Pain side quest, which I've snatched up and I just found the Legitimate Fallout 3 DLC Conversions -DLCC which I'm getting as soon as I can find my flash drive (I've moved my domosile so I don't have internet right now at home.)


Are there any to recommend?

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With Old World Blues Expanded, I just added an expanded z-38 lightwave research center. It's got some cool stuff, but don't wander all over BigMT looking for new adventures. Other than some leveled lists and new bots, everything is in Z-38. Beta 2 was almost ready when I switched gears to some higher priority projects, so it may be out soon(ish). It doubles the size of beta 1.
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