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Looking for a very simple map tweak


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Hello fellow modders and players!


I like realism in my Skyrim.

Minimal HUD, no compass, no enemy healthbar, no quest markers, etc...


And one thing that annoys me lately is the "you are here" player marker on the world map.

No thank you, I would much rather figure out where I am by looking around, recognizing landmarks and making sense of them with my map.




Now I don't suppose there's a skyrim.ini tweak that says "PlayerMapMarkerDisplay=0".

So someone would have to edit map.swf, find the player marker and remove it? Or make it fully transparent maybe?


Oh, and I'm using the map.swf from this mod too:


Rather than the Vanilla one.


Is there a SWF guru out here who can either:

-Do this for me?

-Explain to me what I need to do?

Much appreciated! :thumbsup:

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