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Recommend Unleveler


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I'm not sure which unleveler to take. I think Requiem, Real Unleveled Skyrim and Skyrim Scaling Stopper all sound awesome. But it is right that the later ones are more compatible because I don't really care about the perk difference Requiem is introducing us and prefer Skyre(Tendo). So which one do you recommend by experience?
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I 'm using Skyrim Scaling stopper and all it does is remove level dependence on spawns. It does not alter any other aspect of the game. From what I read, Requiem is a total game overhaul so if you prefer Skyre's stuff then go with Skyre and then scaling stopper.


However, enemy Scaling of Skyre adds a lot of perks to various npcs but it makes enemies' levels scale with your level. So I manually set all npcs to fixed levels with TESVedit and also raised the level in the process.

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I sort of like using Skyrim Scaling Stopper.


It is sort of tricky trying to use SkyRe with Skyrim Scaling Stopper, because SkyRe conflicts with every mod that does not use its special weapons. But with the existing patches, I think it could work quite well if you don't ever use any weapon mods except for Weapons of the Third Era and Heavy Armory. It might also be that you could use a few weapon mods that have SkyRe patches. But with that sort of a build, you would not be able to use any of the Skyrim Scaling Stopper weapon patches.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for your answers SSS seems to be the mod to go, although setting the npc to fixed levele seems to be interesting, too; have to look at it.


Since i was forced to reinstall because of many freezes during gameplay i was curious if anyone knew which of these mods would be the most stable to go with? :)

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