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Using AP's to increase accuracy


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Hate the Vat's isn't more closely designed to feel like the old fallout 1-2 combat. What happened to spending ap's to increase accuracy on 1 shot?


Can a mod be made the makes this possible? Affectively lowering accuracy on multiple shots OR spending your ap's to increase accuracy on 1-2 shots would be very nice and give you the feeling of "aiming" for the one crucial shot or just shooting like a madman with little to no accuracy for a bunch of shots. This 3-5 accurate shot BS before the enemy can even fire a shot is just idiotic. Feels more like an arcade than a struggle in the wasteland like old fallouts where.


Damage potential for all sources would need a large buff too. The old fallouts where not nearly as forgiving if you got hit and fallout 3 is just a cakewalk regardless of difficulty.


If your jumped by 3+ baddies it should mean almost certain death without knowing explosives, using environment to you advantage, or having Power armor"which need a huge buff also".


Changing VAT's in this way somehow, increasing damage potential of all weapons+unarmed, and making the best armor more resistant and wearable without training would I think go a long way to give back that "More dangerous and lethal" feel of the old Fallouts.


I know this is asking allot considering the lack of any modding tools available from Bethesda but just thought I'd throw it out there:)

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