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How do you make an item change name/desc. in-game?


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So there's an item that I'd like to make; main feature being it's name and description change in-game, without it unequipping. It doesn't change what it actually does, just shows up differently depending on the current condition. For a small example, let's say there was a sword that had the name and description change every time the player equips it, but it was always under the same ID. Is there any ways to accomplish this with or without SKSE?



I know there are examples of items 'swapping out' for another (like Dawnfang/Duskfang, Hircine's Ring, and another weapon I can't really get the name of atm), and I'd like to avoid that. However if push comes to shove, I wouldn't mind using this method either.


Side note (though this in an entirely different question): How do you access and see scripts in the Creation Kit?

Edited by SenpaiMuffin
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