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More guards, or more patrol areas?


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Like the title sorta says i'm looking for a mod that basically adds more guards to skyrim, specifically in areas where there might be valuables to steal.

Simple examples would be Farengar's quarters - as soon as he goes to sleep it's easy to steal him blind. The shop keepers aren't so bad because they can sense you etc, so you have to be more careful and watch your timing, but it'd be really nice to have thievery be a bit more difficult. (Random thievery, that is, not the quest lines.) I know this might interfere with the civil war quest line, but any thoughts?

I have occupy skyrim installed, and that's great so far for out in the wilds, but isn't quite what i"m looking for.

(If it was in my ability, i'd do it myself, but that would screw up more than it would solve...)



Edit - posted in the wrong forum somehow. Don't suppose this could be moved, or deleted? sorry..

Edited by slainia
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