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Stability issue


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My game crash randomly,Ive tried my best to fix it.I used FNVEdit in attempt to fix any compatibility issue I may have,and then Ive created a merged patchcus-for my understnding the merged patch sould fix any compatibility issue.And then I run the master update and created another merged patch.But I still have crashes.

For exp If I use 50 cal incendiary rounds,the game crash.



so here my load order Load order:

[X] FalloutNV.esm

[X] DeadMoney.esm

[X] HonestHearts.esm

[X] OldWorldBlues.esm

[X] LonesomeRoad.esm

[X] GunRunnersArsenal.esm

[X] ClassicPack.esm

[X] MercenaryPack.esm

[X] TribalPack.esm

[X] CaravanPack.esm

[X] Companion Core.esm

[X] Advanced Recon Tech.esm

[X] CFWNV.esm

[X] Companion Share & Recruit.esm

[X] EnergyShield.esm

[X] More Perks.esm

[X] NVEC Complete.esm

[X] NSkies URWLified.esm

[X] Primary Needs HUD.esm

[X] Project Nevada - Core.esm

[X] Project Nevada - Equipment.esm

[X] ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm

[X] ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm

[X] aHUD.esm

[X] EnclaveCommanderMarine.esm

[X] DarNifiedUINV.esp

[X] CASM.esp

[X] DynamiCamera.esp

[X] Readius_NV.esp

[X] The Mod Configuration Menu.esp

[X] The Weapon Mod Menu.esp

[X] Kobu's New Game Quick Start and Better Rebuild.esp

[X] Follower Wait Time 100000.esp

[X] Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp

[X] Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp

[X] Zombie Apocalypse.esp

[X] More Perks Update.esp

[X] EnergyShield_NV.esp

[X] FalloutNVCheatTerminal.esp

[X] GRA - The Right to Bear Arms.esp

[X] Advanced Recon Gear.esp

[X] Advanced Recon Tech.esp

[X] Advanced Recon Gear-Locations Doc Mitchell.esp

[X] IDreamOfElectricSheep.esp

[X] M4A1.esp

[X] M82.esp

[X] turrets.esp

[X] Advanced Recon Armor.esp

[X] Advanced Recon Armor-Location Doc Mitchell.esp

[X] Advanced Recon Range Finder.esp

[X] Advanced Recon Gear - Project Nevada.esp

[X] DragonskinTacticalOutfit.esp

[X] DragonskinNCRPersonnelWearingOutfits.esp

[X] HDTshop.esp

[X] Mantis07Reflex.esp

[X] PlasmaShields.esp

[X] Sunglasses Shipment.esp

[X] Tactical Combat Gear.esp

[X] TGsArmorCollectionVegas.esp

[X] THE5 Visors Mod.esp

[X] Companion Share & Recruit Companions.esp

[X] PipBoyLight.esp

[X] Easy Unlocking and Easy Hacking and Guaranteed Pick Pocket.esp

[X] Respawn6HoursImproved.esp

[X] NSkies URWLifiedOWB.esp

[X] NSkies URWLifiedHH.esp

[X] NSkies URWLifiedDM.esp

[X] Frozen World.esp

[X] MercWanderer.esp

[X] SuperJump_Land_5x.esp

[X] SuperJump_Water_5x.esp

[X] AsharasHairConversionNV.esp

[X] CFW-DLC.esp

[X] M4A1 RIS.esp

[X] LevelersHouse.esp

[X] Portable Bedroll.esp

[X] MantisZeroSuit_ForNV.esp

[X] RealSmokes.esp

[X] 1.esp

[X] Darkfiregaming T-Shirt Mod..esp

[X] MojaveDelight.esp

[X] Enclave Commander Marine Tweak.esp

[X] M16a4_Mod.esp

[X] All.esp

[X] 1234.esp


The All.esp is a first merged patch,and the 1234 is the second

Edited by NetDigger
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To be honest, I dont know. I've only ever created a single merged patch with FNVEdit and I've never had frequent CTDs.


Maybe we'll hear more from other users as the day progresses... I mean who knows... it could just be one of the mods :confused:

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