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Graphic Card Question

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So I just sold my old CPU on ebay for $270 and was thinking of upgrading my graphics card. I recently purchased this one maybe 3 or 4 months ago and its been working great for me. Its SLI compatable so should i simply pick up another and bridge them or buy a Newer Model and sell my old one? I definately don't want to spend the entire $270 on one. I have a 650watt power supply btw
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If you're not willing to fork out the full (but reasonable) $300 or so on a 600 series card I would buy another Asus 550 ti IF you can still find one. Most of the ones I've seen are already sold out and lord knows they arent being made anymore.
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If you're not willing to fork out the full (but reasonable) $300 or so on a 600 series card I would buy another Asus 550 ti IF you can still find one. Most of the ones I've seen are already sold out and lord knows they arent being made anymore.


I honestly cannot see spending 300 on a graphics card when its just going to be discontinued in a few months like my 550 did. I'm able to play skyrim on high settings with about 60fps in open world and 40fps in towns. with 1920x1080 resolution. Is the 600 series all that much better?

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That is the world of computer gaming but I'm sorry to say $300 is the range you want to buy in and thats low end at that. You, like me, just bought at the wrong time; just before the release of a new series and a new set of directx 11 features (see the new dawn tech demo on the nvidia website)


And yes the 600 series is much better but you will be able to run on your current card for quite some time.



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The 650s are low profile cards, thats why they are and the low side... for a stubby little card... those are very impressive.


The 660ti is in the perfect price range imo and is even offered with the wonderful MSI twin frozer heatsink :wub:

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240 on newegg for the overclocked asus model... looks like mine but with 2 fans, and that is sexy.


If I sell my laptop for atleast 200 like I'm planning then I'm not going to be able to hold back. I'll pick up one of them and a 120gb SSD

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