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Food Sanitizer that, you know, sanitizes food


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When I first got to Megaton, I went to buy some dinner and was surprised to see ALL the food for sale was going to radiate me! That's what you get for living next to a bomb, I think. So I go out and find some more food at the Super-Duper Mart... it's radioactive too! Heck, ALL this food is radioactive!


Well, I got used to the idea, and don't mind it at all (adds the the "survival" feel, IMO), but when I earned the Food Sanitizer, I thought "Woo hoo! Cool! A way to make food less radioactive!".


Of course, it just makes my food heal more, but give the same radiation. Huh?


So, a little mod I'd LOVE would be that the Sanitizer reduces radiation gained from food (maybe something like 50% less rads for each edible?) rather than increasing the health it gives. Given you can get this item early on, it seems that would be a nice, useful - but not game-breaking - effect.

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I agree, except that I'd like to be able to remove radiation completely, even at the cost of reducing the healing effect of food. The healing is already so minimal that I'm not at all sure it would need to be lowered further. Maybe cooking food could remove radiation? (I know that doesn't happen in the real world, but it's not a good idea to confuse video games with the real world. The key is challenge vs reward and immersiveness)
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Ideally, I'd like to be able to increase health gained from food by cooking it (ala The Fall, even if the system there was pretty broken). Then again, I love immersion and survival sim stuff, and not everyone else does.


Taking the concept further, having restaurants sell "cooked" food would add incentive to buy from them and not just live off scavenged bloatfly meat. Going into CS-worthy territory, you could have a stove as an add-on for player houses too. On that same subject, and perhaps easier, I'd like to have a water purifier in my house, to turn dirty water into purified water (I admit, I find the robot butler handing out free drinks a bit "cheap" though).


As to the sanitizer, I'm torn about whether it should remove ALL rads from food or just halve it... it kinda bugs me that everyone's eating radioactive food like that, yet there seems to be little actual radiation in most "civilized" areas.


Since I do like the idea of making F3 a little more 'survival' based, I think I'd prefer to have it just reduce, but for a mod to also reduce or remove the rads from more foods as well.

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