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Hearthfire bug, Home disappear after restart skyrim


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Hello everyone, i have a disturbing error with Hearthfire DLC.. the DLC work well and i go to Falkreath Jarl to buy my land, then i go there and build my house. then i save the game and exit to the game. The problem is when i start the game my save is good i have all my item and abilities but i haven't the house in my lakeview property, it isn't also signed in the map.... and when i go to a city i receive the same letter of the jarl's superintendent from the same messenger that told me he has a land to sold to me, everytime i close the game my hearthfire save seems to be restarted despite of my normal and dawnguard save that are normal.... how can i fix it??





The sign in the map is disappear but the home is here and there is all i build but there isn't the workbench, anvil and the main stuff originally are there




Edited by anymouse95
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I'm having a simular problem to this but my house isn't appearing when I try and build it. Any idea whats causing this? How or did you fix yours?


i solve it following the request of the quest... you must go in the place, take the project and buy wood where the quest told you and only before complete the quest you can build with no problem.... build only before the game told you that you have complete the hearthfire DLC quest.....

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