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Having Issues with Some Mods? Correct load order?


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Hey guys, I'm having some issues with certain mods not functioning and crashing the game when used.

I'm wondering if I am missing some information on proper load order of these mods.

Can anyone review my mod list to see if I'm doing this right?

I am using Mod Organizer 2 for this.

I've generated FNIS animation files.

I'm using an ENB and am running Skyrim SE via SKSE.exe

Certain mods like Follow Me For Sex, crash when used.

Not sure if anything can be done.

As I have played around with rearranging some modes in the load order and removing others.

A screenshot of the important part of my mod list is attached below. Thanks!


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except for the minor issue of default female NPC's breasts becoming 2D triangles when you take all their items away...


That... sounds like an issue (?bad mesh?) with the nekid bodyslide for your females.


You might try rebuilding the bodytype for CBBE Body/Body Physics/Body Special (or whatever baseline model you've applied the preset to. Try checking morphs before pressing build.

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except for the minor issue of default female NPC's breasts becoming 2D triangles when you take all their items away...


That... sounds like an issue (?bad mesh?) with the nekid bodyslide for your females.


You might try rebuilding the bodytype for CBBE Body/Body Physics/Body Special (or whatever baseline model you've applied the preset to. Try checking morphs before pressing build.


Fixed it. You were right. At first I thought it was the load order, so I used LOOT to fix it up a bit (had to re-position some of them afterwards). Then I went to Bodyslide and fixed each body and built each one just to be sure. Resolved the issue. Hopefully, for everyone else that sees this sort of issue in the future with load order and body issues, use LOOT and manually build the bodies using Bodyslide !

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