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Following S.T.E.P but no mention of Enhanced Textures? Where do they go?


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Hi, I just started modding Morrowind and was following STEP guide but then I stumbled upon this amazing textures mod call Morrowind Enhanced Textures and there is no mention of it in the STEP guide. I don't think its part of Morrowind Enhanced Overhaul either because there is no mention of it.

Does anyone has any experienced regarding this or will it be "check each file and put the ones you like" process? I mean which order do I install this mod? Does any mods needs to overwrite this one or do I just install it last?


Thanks beforehand.

Edited by himanshuvikal
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  • 5 weeks later...
S.T.E.P. is a detailed step by step guide on how to add graphics mod manual.

The Enhanced Textures and Morrowind Enhanced Overhaul by DassiD are two separate mods by the same author of the step guide.

So you install one of those three. You could try to do the step guide first. Make a backup of your whole Morrowind folder after that (just in case). And after that install one of these two mods (The Enhanced Textures and Morrowind Enhanced Overhaul) and see which gives you the best results.

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