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Stardew Valley

Mod Concepts: Ideas.


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I’ve seen a number of great reskins and small scripts from some talented individuals in the community.

Through a bit of my trials and browsing i am a bit curious of the capabilities of modding.

Can lists be expanded? -increase the number of seeds while keeping the vanilla assets intact? -types of monsters with originals untouched? Even more animals? Furnishings and decor?

Are there methods of implementing cheaters features like “unbreakable” fences into a legitimate expansion.something like- A workbench and power tools for an upgraded list of items to bring fences out. Have a second catalog block that lets you ReSkin the farm through the carpenter maybe?

Im also curious about the Tv... could a cable box be scripted that, when placed next to the tv has alternate shows depending on time of day??

Can skills be added? Mechanics (building mechanical farm objects, collection robot? A field roomba that slowly clears your farmland, top to bottom.) woodworking (as suggested with the fences) design (simply levels up by crafting/placing decor items).

I saw a mod that allows children to become NPCs, is it possible to set up a lineage step of events for a longer play, something along the lines of... after having kids the player can nominate one to become a successor... small event where the player farmer passes away, certain game switches would reset and the player becomes the Son/Daughter NPC? Replace “used” vanilla NPCs or NPC groups with random new ones. Jojo tries to reopen, upkeep on the community center and over world map etc... and have a second/new play Thru. Moving to a new town? Changes starting farm type... reskins over world map? Mix up the map slides a bit?


Prospect of Total conversion Mods? WalkingDead, StarTrek or even Breath of the wildð?


I know what I suggest is an undertaking. However the ideas are there to build off of.


...lastly, is there a way to repack the entire game folder with mods, as a stand alone private installer for android or Nintendo Switch without hardware/firmware modification? Seems feesableð¤

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Most of what you ask is yes. If using SMAPI alone, this can be done without any other mods. Otherwise you will need a slew of mods to get the results you wish for.

As for the switch thing: we modders will never recommend doing any modding on it in fear of bricking your switch.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Under the same heading: I have an idea for a mini-tractor that can be purchased for the use of GREENHOUES! Trying to harvest in a greenhouse is the pure devil, so why not a battery version for the greenhouses only. Also I am looking for someone that can assist me in a small project that has been in the back of my mind since I started playing this game. A friend saw me playing, and came up with the idea of changing the name to match the character which I think could be done in Kisekae but I am mot sure. Because this would mess with name as a placeholder, this could not be used if this ever goes to a MMORPG, but in single player mode I think it could work. My programming skills are rather outdated as the largest thing I ever programmed was an IBM 3610 back in the 60s so I have ideas but no skill.

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