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Base_Num_Rockets = 1


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I made some headway... so... In the Second set of code i put down, those gamecore.3 is the value of charges... so i changed the first one to:


SetMediKitCharges(GetInventory().GetNumItems(76) * XComGameReplicationInfo(class'Engine'.static.GetCurrentWorldInfo().GRI).m_kGameCore.6);


and now when i start a mission with a character with the extra med kits bonus i have 6 charges instead of 3.


Now we just need to find a way to manipulate the values of GetNumItems out of the GetInventory() functions.

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So those are changeable.. the issue now is that the integer one is 0x26, but changing that to anything other than 0x25 (0) makes the game crash due to the integer being too large for the file.


Although i do wonder about the actual bytecode of the integer. I don't get why most integers are a 2C (IntConstByte) followed by the integer e.g 02.


but in this code it is 2C 00 00 00 26


Anybody know why that is, as i have mentioned many times i have no idea what i am doing, i just change some numbers and see what happens.

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1) Seek this hex value 0000000016261616062206078503 in XComGame.upk

2) The early 10 value of 26 (26=1) in descending order, included the 26 in the above code, that should be considered the 1st, are


Actual Value: 3rd Medikit, 6th Ghost(Armor), 7th Arc Thrower, 9th Smoke Grenade, 10th Battle scanner

Maybe/Untested: 1st Frag Grenades, 2nd Alien Grenade, 4th Shredder Rocket, 5th Rocket, 8th ?



Just change the desidered function to 25 (25=0) If your editor posses a replacer function just use those, if i finish my work i will later try the untested value :dance:


Cheers :tongue:


Can you please elaborate on step 2? I'm not sure exactly what you mean here.

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He's saying that after you look up that hex value, the 26 in the hex value that you search is the first of the 10 "1" values.. and that each 26 represents the integer value of the ability.


In other words, although he hasn't tested it. the first 26 value you see will be frag grenades, the second will be alien, the third will be medkits.. so on and so forth... does that make sense?


So if you want to change it so that battle scanners are unlimited, you look up that hex value, and since the first is included in the hex value, look for the 10th value of 26 after that, and if you change 26 to 25, then battle scanners will be unlimited.

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