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RDR2: First Person Fov (some data for cheat engine pros)


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Hey guys!


I'm trying to tweak the first person Fov with cheat engine on Read Dead Redemption 2. After some research, I found the float numbers that actually adjust the first person view, however I'm unable to actually make them properly work, as it seems the game try to force a base fov, which result in screen flickering between native value and new value. We're almost there!


If some people need some data, here are the native game float data:


First Person Min Fov: 44.9588623 (float - when the setting is at 0 in the game)

First Person Max Fov: 54.99999619 (float- when the setting is at 10 in the game)


Please let me know if you find a solution!


Edited by hawkidoki
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