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[Request] Recolor of Recon Armor


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The recon armor is of a hideous shade of puke green and since it's supposed to be a stealthy armor I was wondering if someone could slap it up with some camo or maybe even make a darker version for night stalkin. I would do it myself but I am a modeler and textures really aren't my forte.
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Yea I was thinking about that actually. Have to fiddle around with it tho as shades are still equippable with the recon helmet so whatever visor is created has to clear the glasses. If I had a CS I could disable the shades option for the recon helmet i'm sure. ><
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After playing a power armoured tank character, I rather wanted to play a sneak character with a big gun, kind of like starcrafts ghosts. None of the armors in the game really fit this look with the possible exception of the Talon Combat Armor (except for the fact that it has short sleeves which i rather dislike0.


A recon armor in all black or with the metal bits black and the currently green parts grey would be awesome. Overthise, the combat version looks cool as well.

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