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Loading a save => permanently paralyzed


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I'm having a rather strange issue:

When i load a save (no mather witch one, tried 6 different-character saves) my character drops to the ground and stays paralyzed forever. (without any effect of some sort)

Since this would be a rather strange thing to be caused by any mods (none of witch would alter this kinda stuff) and it even occuring whith all mods deactivated I don't think any mod caused this problem. (though I might be wrong).

Does somebody know the solution?


(note: I can start a new game in Helgen without getting paralyzed, but I would prefer not to for oblivious reasons)




Edited by lolspek
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Did something paralyze your character? I know there is some console command to dispel all effects on the target. If it's an effect like that, you can try that. I don't know the command, just that it exists. On the other hand, if it's an animation problem, you would have to start re-installing any animation mods that you have.
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So you verified it's not a magic effect of any sort? You can always try killing your character with the console, and see if that causes some kind of reset which fixes it. You can even try adding a new animation mod that requires FNIS, then run the FNIS generator. That should redo the animations. Make sure any animation mods you have don't already need FNIS. If so, be sure to run the animation generator.
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I found the problem:It was an encomberenge (I know it's spelled wrong) that would normally wouldn't let me carry to mutch stuff by showing a message on screen. Loading a save in witch the character was already over-encombered, made this happen. Thnx for the help. (I still don't have any idea why just deactivating this mod dind't do the trick, it had to delete it)
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