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Why am I not getting 60 frames per second and why do I get so many frame rate drops?


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I do have a lot of mods. A lot of tree mods a lot of population mods and 4K textures


However these are my computer specs


CPU: Intel® Core⢠Processor i9-9900K 3.60GHZ 16MB Intel Smart Cache LGA1151


VIDEO: ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX⢠2080 Ti 11GB GDDR6 (Turing) [VR Ready] [+725] (Single Card)


MEMORY: 32GB (16GBx2) DDR4/3000MHz Dual Channel


HDD: 1TB Intel 660P M.2 NVME SSD + 4TB SATA III Hard Drive Combo [+83] (Combo Drive)


I'd imagine I can run the game just fine before k textures and the mob that I have at 60 frames per second, however it stays at about 27 frames per second outside and has very frequent drops to about 18fps 16fps and even ctd sometimes.


I'm not extremely tech-savvy but I have learned a lot through modding as I tried to pay attention to all my page descriptions and many tutorial videos


I did turn my vsync off in Skyrim ini files

And turned it on in my Nvidia control panel


I tried lowering Shadow resolution and distant shadows


I searched for countless hours for YouTube videos and forums let me help and I've tried the majority of things I came across without jeopardizing quality too much.


I don't want to use some of those big performance mods and lose quality of graphics. and I wouldn't believe I would need to with the specs I have. I specifically bought this computer just to be able to play Skyrim heavily modded with high graphics and good FPS


I remember hearing about some bugs going around like one being Skyrim doesn't use all of your system vram available, I am on Skyrim special edition so I don't know if that applies to me in any case I do not know how to fix that bug


Also I am using skse and the skse patch

And engine fixes


I feel like there's just some setting I need to set properly.


If there's anything you can think of that may help me get 60 frames per second please share.


I am also using rudy ENB and in the ENB menu the frame rate is capped at 60 frames per second.


I'm just not sure what to do at this point so I'm reaching out.


Let me know if you need any more information. I will also post my load order if you need it but I warn you it is long and it's hard for me to believe it's how many mods I have cuz I see YouTube videos where people have 400-600 mods and are still getting 60 frames per second in 4k. And their specs aren't as good as mine.


So once again I think it may be a bug or something. In any case any information will help.


Thank you all in advance for your support and your knowledge and all that you do for the modding community

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Hello There,

If the game is running, it means, there is no such bug.

Frame drops is another story، I think, you need tinker the graphics setting a little more to utilize full potential of 2080.

In short, it required optimization,


Good starting point...


Ini's Optimization


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