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Can't remove a "Red hue"


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I have this really annoying red hue over my character. I've come to the conclusion by loading older save files that this problem appeared the moment I found a "Necklace of Dwindling Fire", which increases fire resistance by 40%. Any saves before I have it in my inventory is fine, and any after it have this red hue.

Now of course I've tried to remove it including all armor, even going as far as throwing it away and loading new locations, using player.dispelallspells and trying this mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6566


But nothing works, so now I come to you. If you think that a list of my mods would be helpful I'll post one upon request.


EDIT: Some more stuff that I've tried tried player.resurrect 1, sexchange, player.setrace bretonrace and then player.setrace bretonracevampire (hue is on even when I'm a normal breton) and showracemenu. All of these have one thing in common, the red hue is gone until I press tilde again, unlike player.dispelallspells which leaves it on even in the console.



Edited by Blargaha
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I have some news on this I suppose.


I tried to recreate this my spawning a necklace on a character which didn't have this bug and I couldn't get the red hue. This leads me to believe that the "Better Vampires" mod (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9717) is the cause of this instead since I recall that my first save with the red hue was soon after activating it. With this new information, does anyone have a solution? Of course I've deactivated it and tried all the above mentioned console commands after that but that didn't help.


EDIT: I fixed it. Turns out it was "Summon Flame Atronach" fire resistance aura that is enabled in Empowered Magic" that caused it. Simply summoning it and killing it solved everything.

Edited by Blargaha
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