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Sleep Requirement


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Real World Concept: Humans need to sleep! Not only do people need to sleep; mental and physical functions both perform better when well-rested. As a person becomes fatigued, their mental functions degrade first followed by physical functions.


Corresponding Game Mechanic: Sleeping in a bed for 8 hours will grant a +1 bonus to all SPECIAL attributes except Luck. After 4 hours awake, characters loses the +1 bonus to "Mental Attributes" (Perception, Charisma, and Intelligence or PCI.) After 8 hours awake, characters lose the +1 bonus to "Physical Attributes" (Strength, Endurance, and Agility or SEA.) After 16 hours awake, characters incur a -1 penalty to PCI attributes. After 20 hours awake, characters incur a -1 penalty to SEA attributes. Every 2 hours after 20 incurs an additional -1 to both PCI and SEA attributes. If all there SEA attributes ever fall to 1 because of fatigue, the character will collapse and remain unconscious for 8 hours. All attributes will remain at the decreased value until the end of the 8th hour of sleep.

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Since there is currently no mod for this that I know of, my current work-around solution is to simulate "sleeping" with "waiting." I usually return to my house to "sleep" but if I am ever away from home for a full day or more, I force my character to seek out a place to "sleep" for a few hours even though I actually use the "wait" command to avoid the ridiculous healing effects of sleeping.


This does not give me the well-rested bonuses or the fatigue penalties that I would like to see in a mod someday, but it does give me the satisfaction of a little more immersion in the Fallout universe!

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