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Two scripting 'jobs' pending. Ideas on how to go...


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Back to the 'Pressing Buttons In Correct Sequence' thing. I'm kind of stuck. I am taking the approach of using Int Properties so the script looks for the expected value and checks it against the required value. Then sets a new value.

Button 1 - stores 1 in a global variable.

Button 2 - stores 2 in a global variable.

And so on up to 8

Buttons have to be pressed in order, simply Button 1, Button 2, Button 3... Button 8.

So for example-

Button 6 needs to check that the value stored in the Global variable is 5 then set it to 6

Button 7 needs to check that the value stored in the Global variable is 6 then set it to 7


What I've scripted so far, haven't compiled yet as it probably has syntax errors is this...


GlobalVariable Property StoredValue Auto; number stored when a button is pressed
Int Property InputValue Auto; Input the number of this button

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)

If (StoredValue.GetValue()) == (InputValue); check that the previously stored value matches the value that we input
debug.notification("This is the next correct button in the sequence")

debug.notification("Incorrect. Start Over.")



I looked at arrays and although I understand what they are and what they do, I can't quite get my head around scripting them. haven't found any good examples to work from. But does my approach make sense?

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