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Head Shots


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Real World Concept: Shooting someone in the head with a firearm almost always results in death. Nothing breaks the immersion more for me than to empty an entire clip into a Raider's head and they don't die.


Corresponding Game Mechanic: Head shots against unhelmeted characters results in a critical strike 100% of the time. Helmets can reduce the critical chance from head shots. The best helmets give a 75% reduction in critical chance, so a head shot would only result in a critical strike 25% of the time. Cheap helmets only give 5-10% critical reduction.


Alternate Game Mechanic: If the helmet thing is not possible to mod right now, just give the 100% critical chance for head shots please!

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I'd quite happily take the big difficulty climb that an enemy can insta-kill me with a headshot if I can do the same to them! Yes please (and I agree, even two shots I can just deal with... but when I put five VATS shots into a raider's head and they keep coming?!)


I do think VATS head shots should be a bit harder, though (especially since we don't have eyes/groin anymore).

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whats the problem with cranking the difficulty and going through 2 Assault Rifle clips to the head of a raider, with 100 small guns and 9 Agility? haha. j/k


lol. 100% crit to the head should be a must. combined with a non-god mode vats mod the game would be a lot more immersing.

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