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Head Shots


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The problem with sneaking is A. It doesn't always work. And B. If it's a group of enemies and you pop one you're effed for the rest of the fight if you don't have all the crit perks.


I'd say yes for 100% head crit, even if it meant happening to me too. I personally want my enemies to be able to do everything to me that I can do to them.

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Actually you can have 100% head shot crit in game... get sniper perk, increase luck to 10, get better criticals for dmg increase, also if you want to hit crit all the time, just sneak... sneak attacks are considered critical hits...


Actually...after long consideration of this concept, I have decided that I DO NOT want a world where bullets are flying everywhere and the Grim Reaper is riding every one of them (as stated by Xodarap777). To do so would force every player to max out the Sneak skill or face certain death. I personally cannot stand games that force you to sneak (I hated Thief and Splinter Cell because of the mandatory sneaking), so I would never want to do that to my beloved Fallout universe!


I now believe there are better solutions that "balance" certain game mechanics rather than making the game too "realistic".


But if someone still wants to make this mod, I am sure there are many out there who would thoroughly enjoy it!

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Actually you can have 100% head shot crit in game... get sniper perk, increase luck to 10, get better criticals for dmg increase, also if you want to hit crit all the time, just sneak... sneak attacks are considered critical hits...


Actually...after long consideration of this concept, I have decided that I DO NOT want a world where bullets are flying everywhere and the Grim Reaper is riding every one of them (as stated by Xodarap777). To do so would force every player to max out the Sneak skill or face certain death. I personally cannot stand games that force you to sneak (I hated Thief and Splinter Cell because of the mandatory sneaking), so I would never want to do that to my beloved Fallout universe!


I now believe there are better solutions that "balance" certain game mechanics rather than making the game too "realistic".


But if someone still wants to make this mod, I am sure there are many out there who would thoroughly enjoy it!



Hmm sorry to hear that cause the games you mentioned are the games of my life :D I love Thief series, except the 3rd installment which was really easy after thief II, and Sc Double agent since it is very buggy...


I am about to max out my sneak skill and if I ever find a good melee or unarmed weapon that has a decent damage, I may create a new character that is melee or unarmed with ninja perk :)

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