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More challenging gameplay,Larger enemy Parties,Increased AI detection


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I was wondering what are the possibilities of making this game more fallout like in terms of challenge on this basic points :


-More challenging game play in general focus on surviving longer main quest.

-Increased AI shooting capabilities ,detection range .

-Classic VATS setup I tried the Vats mods out there 13 second slowdown is ok but enemies rarely hit you or fire .

-Larger enemy Parties maybe super mutants can be present in larger numbers then 3 - 5 at a time? And hordes of mallrats 5-10 at higher levels which will force you to get companions I would think.

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I don't think the AI needs any help with shooting, honestly - but it'd be damn nice to see them all go on 'alert' after hearing a gunfight three hallways over, instead of standing/walking around like nothing happened. I'd actually REALLY like that mod, as well as larger numbers of bad guys in most areas. There should be dozens and dozens of Raiders in Evergreen Mills, for example.
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