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Editing classes - Perks/Abilities


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I was looking for a way to edit all of the classes. It is ridiculous how you can't just shoot and then move. What I need for all my troops is Bullet Swarm at higher levels. Personally I'm very used to games like Fallout 2 where you could really get tactical with your character. Like shoot and then hide behind the corner or take risks by shooting a tough enemy twice. The same must also apply to certain aliens - not all of course. But the Muton Elite and Thin Men for example seem like the agile, battle hardened forces of the invading army who should be able to shoot twice or shoot and move. Combat needs to be much more flexible and I've already tinkered with some stats which should make combat at longer ranges possible especially for snipers.


Here's the problem -> I can't seem to find the file responsible for abilities/perks of classes.

Did anyone find it? And would it be possible to add more levels to them?

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it seems to be the natural next step: someone finds the abilities control file and adds it to the list of files that can be modded with the patcher utility.


*taps fingers on desk impatiently*






Modpatcher does a very specific thing. DefaultGameCore.ini isn't read by the game, instead it's cooked into the exe. Modpatcher copies all information from a copy of the ini file to that location in the exe.


It does its job, and does it well... but it only does that one thing. AFAIK, there's no other ini files that are like that.


Now everyone is focusing on editing uncompressed upk file bytecode, but even that has limits. What we want is a full blown XCOM Editor, allowing us to edit and recompile all the game's scripts. But, I doubt we'll ever see that. Maybe... maybe... we'll eventually see a map editor from Firaxis... after they've sold us all their DLCs.


So, if you want to learn how to mod this game... grab your favorite hexeditor and start hacking away.

Edited by Daemonjax
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