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I am going Mad and I need help with CK and the Face Bug


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So i have currently have 334 plugins. 182 Active and 157 Light.


Before any time a face bug would occur i would boot up the old CK select all plugins with an X and load them all go to actors and do CTRL+F4 thing closed CK and i was good to go any facegen bug would be solved.


My problem started a few days ago when i was browsing the nexus (as one does) and found a couple of extra mods i like so i installed them and i fixed my load order and all that good stuff. I started my game and all the characters had the bug so i thought to my self welp time to boot up the good ol' CK so i did selected with X and i started to load and then at the last part before the load is completed CK just closes no Error message nothing i try it again 3 times same result i try to limit my self to the number of Plugins i load trying to go from 300 250 200 untill the loading works but because i am missing some of the plugins i need to load in and i cant remenber witch ones add more characters or change characters apperance i am stumped even trying to just load some as memory goes some get fixed but for some reson the default skyrim npcs are still bugged.


So my plead for help is the following is there a way to increase the number of plugins loaded by CK if that is what is causing it to close by it self and if not is it possible to somehow figure out what mods affect characters facegen so i can try and load all of those and fix this damn bug. Thank you for taking the time to read my ramblings.

Edited by Cesarjito
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