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The Dead Wastes Redux


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The world has ended, twenty years ago. A virus struck the planet turning

all that died into zombies and those already dead. Society was destroyed in the in fighting of survivors aswell as the dead. Most of the major cities are merely giant dead-filled cities. Commuters are folks that live in small cities that dot the Dead Wastes. usually xenophobic but some are known for being open trade routes. Radiation is a big killer but only limited areas have lethal doses of radiation. The worlds superpowers decided to respond to the zombie threat when their soldiers were dying and then coming back to eat their brothers in arms. They nuked London, Moscow,Paris,New York, Washington DC and Los Angeles. The remaining major cities besides Denver, Dallas, Chicago and Seattle are confirmed to be in survivor occupation. The remaining capitals are assumed to be under zombie control.


New Orleans is now called The Dead-City. Scavengers often raid this city but because half the city is flooded and the other half is covered in the dead.


Pittsburgh also known as The Pitt. Its owned by a raider chief named The Lord. His raider tribe is full of psychos and rape-gangs. the city is a den of vice and misery but anyone that is tough enough can make a good living there.


Seattle. This city is watched over by The Council. Most of seattle is a heap of rubble but the skyrises that dot its landscape is considered the major Hub in which people survive. There the Chairmen send out mercenary Reclamation Teams to scour the countryside. Raiding abandoned towns for supplies. Seattle has earned the renown for being a haven to anyone that can make the journey.


Denver is the most secure city from the plague. But it's also extremely difficult to gain acceptance. The denizens of Denver are violently xenophobic. Often raiding nearby towns, occupied with the dead and living. They have also been known to enslave other survivors to keep their population in control or as a work force.





The Year is 2032, you are a Waster. A person that wanders the Dead Wastes looking for Fortune, Food and Safety, Either way you are a survivor or your not.


The Survival Guide:


A book was printed sometime after the zombie plague that found its way into refugees hands, people were clinging to it more then they were bibles. Most Wasters have one and those that don't are usually dead. Printed on the first page is the ten rules to survival.


#1: Get A Gun, keep it clean and conserve ammo.


#2: Carry enough food and water for yourself and one other for five days.


#3: Water, Bullets and Food are worth more then money.


#4: Be Wary of large cities and graveyards. Walkers tend to pack together.


#5: Do NOT Risk Your Life For Foolish Reasons.


#6: Do NOT bury the dead, put a bullet in their head and no matter how hungry you are never eat a corpse of a human. Even if its cooked.


#7: Scavenge what you can before you leave. Get some kind of transport and sleep only during the day. Zombies are less active during the day, they also see a third as far their eyes cannot handle sunlight.


#8: If you find a group of refugees lead them to the nearest town that you know is safe. Either point them the way or take them with you. Caution, Be Sure They Are Refugees.


#9: Get a buddy, they will watch your back and be a second gun incase you are surrounded.


#10: Dog meat is safe, the infection only transfers to humans.



Walkers (Zombies)


Walkers are the walking dead. They are NOT like you see in movies. Walkers generally shuffle around but if they spot prey they will break out into a sprint but they cannot sustain this so you can outrun them. Also Walkers freeze if you shine light into their eyes. Giving you precious seconds to run or pull your gun so Always keep a flashlight with batteries.

Aim for the heart or the head, anywhere else and you become Walker-Chow. Walkers hunger for human flesh, they tend to ignore other animals but if they are hungry enough they will try and eat other things. Another thing, Walkers cannot distinguish between human stink and rotting flesh. But they can smell soaps and other body cleaning products. So bathe when you are safe but when you are out in the wastes its safer to go without a bath.



The Waster:


The Waster is a person that doesn't want to, can't or isn't yet a member of a city or community. They are drifters. Often coming into a town to trade and seek safety. Many are hired by the leader of the village to perform tasks that they cannot do themselves or will not do in exchange for food or lodgings.


The Commuter:


A Commuter is a person that lives entirely in a small community of people. They are the farmers, survivors and refugees that have founded a community out of the wreckage of the old world. Most often they take over small towns and wall them off, living inside during the night and working the fields for food during the day.


The Raider:


Raiders are people who took to pillaging and raping the landscape, they steal, burn and loot everything they can. Usually moving in groups of 3-8 and they often jury-rig a vehicle to carry them great distances to do their foul deeds. Its widely known that Raiders own the highways. If your brave enough to travel on them you wont find Walkers but you'll find a all new kind of trouble.


The Hubber:


A Hubber is a person that lives in a Hub, a Hub is a beacon of trade and commerce in the wasteland. Often a capital city or large city that is ruled over by a despot or council of some kind. There thousands of people scratch out a living under the gaze of mercenaries and assault rifles and surrounded by the stench of desperation and the electric hum of electrified fencing.















Occupation: (Scavenger, Reclamator, Bounty Hunter)


Birthplace: (Post or Pre Outbreak)



The Rules Of The Game:


Do Not Godmod (I.E. I shoot all the walkers with my .22 pistol)


Do Not Control Another Charecter/Player That Isn't Apart Of Your Story.


You Do Not Start With A) A Car B) Tons Of Ammo C) Tons Of Food.


Be Realistic.


Have fun.

Edited by Macman253
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