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Skyrim SImple but frustating


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So i wanted to try decorate my house with items (cups, jugs,etc) but the annoying thing when you grab items and just keeps moving places makes it impossible! Its stupid how teh hardest in thing game is (for me atleast) is to put a cup on a table! Also when i would manage to finally put it on and exit my house, i come back to see teh cup fall from the roof and everything would just end up on the floor


TL;DR I request a mod that makes placing items much easier (perhaps 4 keybinds that move it up,down,left,right) to easily decorate the house and end the ridicolous job they did with it and a mod that fixes the "spawning" of items from the sky when you enetr your house.

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I would kill to get a Creation Kit/Second Life type editing tool to allow you to at least move and rotate things in the game. When I did my first Hearthfire house I made the mistake of thinking the display cases were the weapon display cases...they aren't. I tried using them by attempting to drop things in them and drag them around...after 20 minutes I gave up completely frustrated. I had hoped since Hearthfire was supposed to let you decorate your home it would come with an editing tool built in to allow object manipulation in game, at least in your house anyway. I would love to decorate my house rather than having premade decoration sets on shelves, tables ect. All I can do at this point is remove things like the three human skulls on one of the shelves and sell or store them...I can't replace items I take off the shelves or cases with anything else though.
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