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Creating Your Own Shout


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Guys i got really mad idea ever i think and it may nearly imposible . it may really good if possible but i think hard.

lets come to idea i think you guys allready understand what i mean but i must explain to you more. I think making your own shouts with your allready learned word of power might be awesome.

how works:

1)Dovahkin must know all word of powers of chosen shout(and unlocked with souls)

2)Must chose 3 shout . lets say we chose "fire breath","storm call" and "clear skys" shouts

3)player must have one dragon soul to waste to find new shout

4)to use dovahkiin spell all three shout or it doesnt works

what if success at fire breath + storm call + clear skys shout(for my think):

first word may LOK(clear skys) second word is BAH(Storm call) and last word may be SHUL(fire breath)


*it means SKY WRATH SUN . this shout causes turns night to day time while not changing hour. and deals small dmg to undeads around dovahkiin(makes vampires weaker and someting like this :D)


i give very small powered shout example to show i not suggesting to make imbalanced(godly/cheated) mode suggestion.but ofcourse it chose of modder if work on this


why i think someting like this:

Dragonrend. shout made by humans. so we can make shouts too.

Edited by Teranial
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Guys i got really mad idea ever i think and it may nearly imposible . it may really good if possible but i think hard.

lets come to idea i think you guys allready understand what i mean but i must explain to you more. I think making your own shouts with your allready learned word of power might be awesome.

how works:

1)Dovahkin must know all word of powers of chosen shout(and unlocked with souls)

2)Must chose 3 shout . lets say we chose "fire breath","storm call" and "clear skys" shouts

3)player must have one dragon soul to waste to find new shout

4)to use dovahkiin spell all three shout or it doesnt works

what if success at fire breath + storm call + clear skys shout(for my think):

first word may LOK(clear skys) second word is BAH(Storm call) and last word may be SHUL(fire breath)


*it means SKY WRATH SUN . this shout causes turns night to day time while not changing hour. and deals small dmg to undeads around dovahkiin(makes vampires weaker and someting like this :D)


i give very small powered shout example to show i not suggesting to make imbalanced(godly/cheated) mode suggestion.but ofcourse it chose of modder if work on this


why i think someting like this:

Dragonrend. shout made by humans. so we can make shouts too.



Gaan (stamina from drain vitality) nah (fury from whirlwind sprint) Grah (battlz from elemental fury)Stamina fury battle : boost to damage, and every normal attack grants increases attack speed (stack) and give stamina



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Gaan (stamina from drain vitality) nah (fury from whirlwind sprint) Grah (battlz from elemental fury)Stamina fury battle : boost to damage, and every normal attack grants increases attack speed (stack) and give stamina

sounds good if got less atack speed than elemantel fury. because if got same speed with tier 3 element and add dmg it may imba and makes elemantel fury useless. maybe grants first tier speed of shout and small dmg boost.

but about gaan it may better if not add. cause it means requires dawnguard dlc and all dont have it cause expansive for quest pack(well vampire lord nice i'm not aganist it :D).here is another shout with dawnguard

JOOR(Mortal-Dragonrend)NEH(Never-Durnehviir)DUN(Grace-Elemantel Fury).you can place "OV"(Trust-Kyne's peace) if not DUN

causes frenzy efect unlikely dismay.

Edited by Teranial
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