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Face transfer


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Hi all,


I wanted to start a new character and since I am absolutely certain he/she look equaly awfull as my previous one, I though of using an NPCs face. I have downloaded a few and most of them are quite nice.

I tryed to find a way to transfer tha face of an NPC to my character, even as a preset in the creation menu, but I have found nothing. All I have found is a way to transfer the face between saves, and I have not tryed that.


So, is there a mod or a toll that allows the player to choose his/her face from one othe existing NPCs and working with that?

And if there is not (if there is I failed to find it) can someone make something like that?


In the future, if this mod expands it might even make it possible for players to exchange faces without altering their saves. That would be nice.

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