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Game won't load anymore?


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I was playing the game perfectly fine until I ran into Willow's shack (a companion mod) and as soon as I tried to enter my game froze. Eventually it loaded into the shack but I lost all my sound. Then as I tried to load in a different save, my game crashed. Now it won't even start up. Just starts the very first loading screen and freezes up. Please tell me I didn't lose all my progress and that there is someway I can salvage my previous saves while restoring my game to a working condition. This is my mod list.


0 0 FalloutNV.esm
1 1 DeadMoney.esm
2 2 HonestHearts.esm
3 3 OldWorldBlues.esm
4 4 LonesomeRoad.esm
5 5 GunRunnersArsenal.esm
6 6 ClassicPack.esm
7 7 MercenaryPack.esm
8 8 TribalPack.esm
9 9 CaravanPack.esm
10 a YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm
11 b Navmesh Fixes and Improvements.esm
12 c SomeguySeries.esm
13 d Less Empty Primm.esp
14 e NVWillow.esp
15 f VanessaFollowerNV.esm
16 10 D.E.I.M.O.S..esm
17 11 YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).esp
18 12 The Mod Configuration Menu.esp
19 13 CorpsesUseVanillaSkeletons.esp
20 14 Uncut Wasteland.esp
21 15 Vendors Containers Respawn Fix.esp
22 16 The True Revival of Luxury - An Ultra-Luxe Overhaul.esp
23 17 L38Improved.esp
24 18 MetalBoxes.esp
25 19 Mojave Raiders.esp
26 1a NVNovacApartament.esp
27 1b WeaponModsExpanded.esp
28 1c CNR_Beta.esp
29 1d ImmersivePickupSoundsFNV.esp
30 1e Perk Rework.esp
31 1f Saucy Sink.esp
32 20 WMX-DLCMerged.esp
33 21 Unofficial Patch Plus.esp
34 22 Unofficial Patch Plus - Addendum.esp
35 23 AmmoCraftingSchematics.esp
36 24 FNV Realistic Wasteland Lighting - All DLC.esp
38 26 Equipment Restoration Project.esp
39 27 BT Remove Powderganger Ownership.esp
40 28 PG Camp North.esp
41 29 ADAM Complete.esp
42 2a ADAM - Trooper Gloves.esp
43 2b ADAM - MERGE.esp
44 2c TheLozza's_Gasmasks_V2.esp
45 2d hz_Automatic Weapons Fix.esp
46 2e hz_1 by 1 Reload Fix.esp
47 2f Animated Chems.esp
48 30 Diagonal movement.esp
49 31 UltimateUnarmedMeleePerkTweaks.esp
50 32 Lessons Learned Overhaul.esp
51 33 MigMeltdown.esp
52 34 PlasmaSpazRedux.esp
53 35 Karma Perks.esp
54 36 Nevada Combat.esp
55 37 ACS-DeadMoney.esp
56 38 ACS-GunRunnersArsenal.esp
57 39 TripTrap.esp
58 3a MigAnatomy.esp
59 3b ncrandlegionpatrols.esp
60 3c DecoratedBOSBunker.esp
61 3d NewVegasBounties.esp
62 3e brotherhoodpresence.esp
63 3f Primm Reputation Restored.esp
64 40 Strip Wall Billboards.esp
65 41 Alternative Repairing.esp
66 42 WorkingCrimsonCaravanTraders.esp
67 43 TurboLaserWeapon.esp
68 44 Street Light Restoration.esp
69 45 TheCollector.esp
70 46 Alternative Repairing - Honest Hearts.esp
71 47 Alternative Repairing - Lonesome Road.esp
72 48 ACS-HonestHearts.esp
73 49 ACS-LonesomeRoad.esp
74 4a JustVanillaSprint.esp
75 4b Economy Overhaul.esp
76 4c khanpresence.esp
77 4d ZoomingScope.esp
78 4e NukaVend.esp
79 4f Take Chems Make Fiends.esp
80 50 The Town of Vice - A Gomorrah Overhaul.esp
81 51 Lucky38Overhaul.esp
82 52 CIB Supermutants.esp
83 53 A Better Veronica.esp
84 54 BushSounds.esp
85 55 No More Double Open & Close Sounds.esp
86 56 FOVSlider.esp
87 57 JIP MiniMap.esp
88 58 RPM - Remove Pre-order Messages.esp
89 59 Weapon Stat Viewer.esp
90 5a QuickSearch.esp
91 5b OldWorldBlues - Improved Transportalponder.esp
92 5c CloseMenuHotkey.esp
93 5d Rain Fix.esp
94 5e Glasses Fix.esp
95 5f NewVegasBushFix.esp
96 60 lexx-hh-letter-english.esp
97 61 RememberAmmo.esp
98 62 BKWeaponPack.esp
99 63 YUP-WMX Patch.esp
100 64 BaykBugFix.esp

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In general, if you haven't changed anything about your game and it suddenly stops working correctly you need to look to other causes: such as software updates to Windows, programming libraries such as ".Net", or hardware drivers. Older games eventually get dropped from product testing. It is also possible you are having problems with your hard drive. It never hurts to run "chkdsk" and an anti-virus scan.

FYI: If you recently had a Windows system update, you only have 10 days to revert to the previous version if you decide to choose that option.

Please see the 'First Timer Advice' and 'Common Game Problems' sections of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article. (As laid out in the 'Save-game files' section of the "First Timer Advice" section, your save game files are probably safe.)

* You really need to use a "Merge Patch File" with that collection of mods. Please see the 'Third Rule: The Rule of One' and 'Merge Patch File' sections of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article.

If the problem persists, then see either the 'Solutions to Starting the game problems' or the 'Solutions to "Crash To Desktop" (CTD) problems' sections in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide.

I recommend anyone read the entire "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article to understand the differences between this game and others you may have experience with; especially if this is your first attempt to play a modded FNV or it's been more than a year since you last did so. It is designed for someone who has never played a modded PC game before, so it tries to avoid making any assumptions.

If the above is not sufficient to resolve your issue, please provide ALL the information requested in the wiki "How to ask for help" article. Don't forget to identify things that do not appear in the "load order", such as the version of Windows, if you are using a "Steam" or "GOG" and/or "regional language version" of the game (even if you are playing it in English); using the FNV4GB Patch, NVSE and it's related plugins; replacements for textures (specifically their larger image sizes: 1024x1024, etc.), animations, or "bodies", etc.; and "post-processors" like ENB or SweetFX. It saves us playing "20 questions" and gets you a more specific answer more quickly. (The usual turn-around on post and reply in an older game forum is 24 hours.) Screenshots don't usually work so well because they tend to cut off or fail to display needed information and are hard to "piece together" into a complete and coherent picture.

* See "How to markup images (etc) in forum posts and comments" article for how to use "Spoiler tags". LOOT already includes those tags in the "load order" it copies to your clipboard, so you can just paste it's list into your post.


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