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Need Help Finding Mod


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Hey really not sure what I'm even looking for here if I'm being honest I was just on the Visceral ENB SSE Mod page (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/21779?tab=posts&BH=2) and took a look at some of the pictures there and noticed how great his characters looked. I assumed it was from the ENB presets there so I downloaded the NAT version (seeing as one of those cartoonish looking characters was in a shot that said "NAT") but when I get in game my characters look nothing like the ones in those pictures, so now I'm not sure if he's using some other mod to achieve that affect or if I just did something wrong installing the ENB's? I think I did everything right but I'm hoping someone can take a look at these pictures and fill me in on whether that cartoon style character is a result of the Visceral ENB or some other mod, and maybe let me know which mod it is or what I have to do to get my player looking like that... a point in the right direction would be well appreciated right now


Here are some pictures that have the style I'm referring to:












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