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Probably found a way to edit ability tree's of your troops and ene


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Great work everyone, I'm sure you all have done some testing to demonstrate your success. Here's a pic of mine:

I'm going to focus on developing and testing some interesting builds. Let me know if you have any ideas in this new thread:





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since posting whole xcom.exe 's is out of the question. how about posting modified portions from the upk's? for instance. if anyone has made a new

file that could be posted. right? with description of the changes?


then any of us savvy enough to replace the original unpacked entry with the new file could do so.......

Edited by versengeteriks
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since posting whole xcom.exe 's is out of the question. how about posting modified portions from the upk's? for instance. if anyone has made a new

file that could be posted. right? with description of the changes?


then any of us savvy enough to replace the original unpacked entry with the new file could do so.......


That was my first thought when I did my tiny "Deep Pockets to Battlescanner" tweak/mod/hex edit... just post the GetPerkInTreeSupport.Function file since it's not that hard to "rebuild" a upk using it. I held off because it's probably as much work to hex edit it yourself, but of course something that changes a LOT of (for example) abilities between classes would be much more time consuming, so the edited Function files would be desirable.


I got the impression some folks were working on a tool that would "patch" upks, but I might be wrong. If that was the case, it's probably worth just waiting to see how that turns out, otherwise I'd be interested in what TPTB felt about redistributing Function files... I know Bethesda were pretty lenient when it came to minor file redistribution (shockingly sensible, I might add!) for Fallout 3, but Firaxis may be less... well... community/user friendly!

Edited by banjo_oz
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Daemonjax and I, with several others as well, are working on a distribution program to help with passing around mods. It looks like we'll likely have a workable beta build sometime this weekend. The thread is over here.


Awesome! That's what I thought! :)


Wish I could help with that, but it's way beyond my expertise beyond testing.


Thanks to everyone for making this a possibility (is it sad that I find this more exciting that if we'd just got mod tools handed to us?); I'm having great fun modding the game and hope we'll be able to better distribute our mods to the public easily soon.


(right now I'm automating everything with .bat files!)

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Do you know why my files are a bit different, mainly the first lines, but also a few other values, here is the SniperTree one:


Offset(d) 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15

00000000 19 66 00 00 32 55 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 66 00 00 .f..2U.......f..

00000016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 66 00 00 00 00 00 00 .........f......

00000032 2C 01 00 00 65 36 00 00 57 01 00 00 0F 01 00 00 ,...e6..W.......

00000048 07 15 00 9A 00 07 66 00 00 26 16 04 2C 02 06 4A ...š..f..&..,..J

00000064 01 07 4F 00 9A 00 07 66 00 00 2C 02 16 07 3A 00 ..O.š..f..,...:.

00000080 9A 00 06 66 00 00 25 16 04 2C 03 06 4C 00 07 4C š..f..%..,..L..L

00000096 00 9A 00 06 66 00 00 26 16 04 2C 10 06 4A 01 07 .š..f..&..,..J..

00000112 89 00 9A 00 07 66 00 00 2C 03 16 07 74 00 9A 00 ‰.š..f..,...t.š.

00000128 06 66 00 00 25 16 04 2C 0F 06 86 00 07 86 00 9A .f..%..,..†..†.š

00000144 00 06 66 00 00 26 16 04 2C 5F 06 4A 01 07 C3 00 ..f..&..,_.J..Ã.

00000160 9A 00 07 66 00 00 2C 04 16 07 AE 00 9A 00 06 66 š..f..,...®.š..f

00000176 00 00 25 16 04 2C 08 06 C0 00 07 C0 00 9A 00 06 ..%..,..À..À.š..

00000192 66 00 00 26 16 04 2C 09 06 4A 01 07 FD 00 9A 00 f..&..,..J..ý.š.

00000208 07 66 00 00 2C 05 16 07 E8 00 9A 00 06 66 00 00 .f..,...è.š..f..

00000224 25 16 04 2C 0A 06 FA 00 07 FA 00 9A 00 06 66 00 %..,..ú..ú.š..f.

00000240 00 26 16 04 2C 0B 06 4A 01 07 13 01 9A 00 07 66 .&..,..J....š..f

00000256 00 00 2C 06 16 04 2C 05 06 4A 01 07 4A 01 9A 00 ..,...,..J..J.š.

00000272 07 66 00 00 2C 07 16 07 38 01 9A 00 06 66 00 00 .f..,...8.š..f..

00000288 25 16 04 2C 0D 06 4A 01 07 4A 01 9A 00 06 66 00 %..,..J..J.š..f.

00000304 00 26 16 04 2C 0E 04 25 04 3A 05 66 00 00 53 00 .&..,..%.:.f..S.

00000320 00 00 02 00 02 00 F1 33 00 00 00 00 00 00 ......ñ3......

Edited by rf900
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone. I'm a player and modder of the OG and I love to look under the hood and know how things are done although I don't know much about software in general.


I have an interest on class perks so this post (specially the XComPerkManager info) was really something interesting because the BuildPerk numbering system gives an idea of how the class perk trees were initially organized (and the changes that took place afterwards). Here's an hypothesis about how the BuildPerk list was originally organized.


From looking at the numbers range a few things can be extrapolated:

* Class perks appear to start on entry #1 (currently unassigned) to ##56 (Support's Revive). Divided by 4 that's 14 perks per class, the same that you'd had if you could also choose Squaddie and Major perks.

* #57 - #68 are abilities given by equipment or panic situations.

* #69 - #74 are psi abilities

* #75 - #90 specific alien perks

* #91 - #110 additional perks later added

* There's also a few perks that appear to have been completely redesigned later on, the best example is #29 which is called 'First Blood', a leftover from before it was changed into Rocketeer's Heavy perk.

* There are unassigned numbers that were assigned to non-existant perks. These probably correspond to other names of abilities present in other files, like Torch, Mark, Blitz, Modern Foxhole and Motion Detector.


Taking all of this into account:

Sniper Original Perk Tree
1	Mark (?)
2	Precision Shot
3	Squadsight
4	Too Close For Comfort (?)
5	Low Profile
6	Run and Gun
7	Autopsy Required (?)
8	Battle Scanner
9	Disabling Shot
10	Opportunist
11	Executioner
12	Bottom Up
13	Double Tap
14	In The Zone


* Mark would be an ability to let a Sniper paint a target for better aim - probably dropped due to Heavy's Holotargeting being redesigned (it was initially called Tracer Beams)

* Too Close For Comfort is described on the game files as halving the aim penalty from range so it's basically a perk to make Sniper Rifles useful at close range.

* #7's name "Autopsy Required" is what you get if trying to press F1 to know info about an alien during a fight. Since it's right next to Battle Scanner one supposition would be that it was a perk (later expanded to all Classes) that allowed a Sniper to see info about specific aliens (like Mind Probe on the original game).

* #6 Run & Gun was either completely redesigned and assigned to Assault or it was originally a Sniper's ability - it would be possible to fire the Sniper Rifle after moving once or dash (which also sounds very close to Snap Shot)

* The final list has #95 Gunslinger added, along with #16/17, Snap Shot and DGG (more on that on the Heavy section)


Heavy Original Perk Tree
15	Damn Good Ground
16	Snap Shot
17	Will to Survive
18	Fire Rocket
19	Tracer Beams
20	HEAT Rockets
21	Suppression
22	Shredder Rocket
23	Rapid Reaction
24	Grenadier
25	Danger Zone
26	Bullet Swarm
27	Extra Conditioning
28	Blitz (?)


* A few perks were either completely redesigned or were assigned to other classes: Snap Shot and DGG (to Sniper) and Extra Conditioning (for Assaults).

* There's a possibility that Snap Shot was designed originally with the Rocket Launcher in mind and was moved to the Sniper tree. Most likely dropped for game balance.

* #28 has Blitz on it, which is described as "If you kill an enemy during your action phase, then immediately after it ends you may take a regular shot." - it could also fit the Assault Class

* Rocketeer/HEAT Rounds/Mayhem were later redesigned/added as 91, 94 and 95


Assault Original Perk Tree
29	First Blood
30	Ready For Anything (?)
31	Sprinter
32	Aggression
33	Tactical Sense
34	Close and Personal
35	Lightning Reflexes
36	Rapid Fire
37	Flush
38	Flame On
39	Bring 'Em On
40	Close Combat Specialist
41	Killer Instinct
42	Vengeance


* #29 the name 'First Blood' sounds more like an Assault perk that was later redesigned and partially renamed to 'Rocketeer' before a completely new Rocketeer perk was introduced

* #30 Ready for Anything - "Allows Overwatch after shooting, even if no actions remain."

* Assault received Sprinter from Support.


Support Original Perk Tree
43	Resilience
44	Smoke Grenade
45	Motion Detector (?)
46	Stun
47	Covering Fire
48	Field Medic
49	Rifle Suppression
50	Modern Foxhole (?)
51	Combat Drugs
52	Dense Smoke
53	Deep Pockets
54	Savior
55	Sentinel
56	Revive


* #43 Resilience - possible that it was originally a Support perk but it was dropped for game balance issues (no critical hits on a unit that can have the Field Medic ability sounds too powerful) and moved (together with Extra Conditioning from the Heavy class) to the Assault class to improve its survivability.

* #45/46/50 - Stun was very likely originally a Support only ability until it was realized that it might make the game too difficult; Motion Detector and Modern Foxhole also seem very likely to be a part of Support.


It's also possible that there were variations with the perk number of each class. Any comments?

Edited by Hobbes77
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