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Quest objective is not displayed in the HUD problem


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So, I have this quest where quest objective(s) are set, but the quest objective text(s) are never displayed in the HUD.


The quest is running, the objectives are set and is listed in the pip boy, but the HUD display text are never displayed when SetObjectiveDisplayed(10) etc. is called. Other quests displays the hud text as expected. I am not running any (or have) UI mods etc.

I have tried calling SetObjectiveDisplayed(10, true, true) just for the sake of it ;), but no success getting the display text displaying in the HUD


Anyone have any idea about what is going on here?








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If your quest does not have a log entry, only objectives, configure it as a "misc" type on the first page.


Alto best to set pQuestName.SetActive(True) before setting the first objective to display to ensure the on screen notification pops.

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Thanks SKK50.


Not sure if it is too late and I can not wrap my head around it .. or just can't wrap my head around it ;)


The quest was started from another quest in the other quest's stage 40.

I tend to prefer attached scripts (in script tab) and had set up a OnStageSet event listener which listened for stage 40 and would start the new quest with pNextQuest.Start().

I un-ticked the "complete quest" flag and use CompleteQuest() after NextQuest.Start() in script instead.


Even if "new quests" started, it just won't display the objectives in the hid like the quest had not started properly. Yep, it sounds a bit weird, but that is what I got out of it at the moment.


I have to revisit this closer another day as it is late now.


Again, thanks.



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