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Devil May Cry 5

Too many mipmaps when converting DDS to TEX files


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I decided to try making a mod to alter V's EX color coat, but when I saved the changes and tried to convert the DDS file back into a TEX file so that the game could use it it would simply say the following:


"Warning: too many mipmaps (the count should be: 9)" I have been completely unable to find anything regarding how you could add or remove mipmaps from the file, or how I could have gotten an extra one added to the file in the first place, at any rate, the file doesnt work and no changes are applied to the TEX file I have.

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  • 2 months later...

Just use a Hex editor to convert the files back to normal by copying hex data from the original folder to the new one like this:


Take the dds file you wish to convert back to a tex.11 (ignore the .bak) and delete from where it ends with a bunch of 00 numbers



Copy the hex from the original file like in the img and replace it over where you deleted from in the dds



Should look Like this:



Now save the dds in the hex editor and then rename the dds you just edited to a tex.11 file

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