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Tiny scripted sequence help?


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Hi all, I wanted to have a small sequence play when entering a new interior cell where a standing NPC executes a kneeling NPC with a single shot. Its in reference for a film. This is for a new weapon in my couriers weapons mod but I have no idea where to even begin with this? Can anyone give me a helping hand along the way here? :psyduck:


EDIT: I'll even do the sequence in an exterior cell if it can be made easier.

Edited by scottmack
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where a standing NPC executes a kneeling NPC with a single shot. Its in reference for a film. This is for a new weapon in my couriers weapons mod but I have no idea where to even begin with this?


Not a scripting guy, but I'd guess useweapon in your script. It lets you specify who to shoot, what weapon to use, how many times to fire,even where to stand. Maybe something like;


ExecutionerRef.UseWeapon Pistol12 ExecutionerXmarkerRef VictimRef 1 0 0 1 0 VictimXMarkerRef


You may want to change that first 1 to a higher number if 1 shot isn't guaranteed to kill the victim.


For the victim you'd want a travel package that has him/her wait at the VictimXMarkerRef or setRestrained in your script. You'd also want a playIdle of a kneeling kif executed on that actor in your script.


Oh and a trigger close enough the player can see the execution happen, but far enough that he won't have time to prevent it, hten attach your script to it.

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