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Removing SkyRe heavy armor movement penalty?


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I don't mind the increased stamina drain, but without the Steed Stone or the old Conditioning perk, I'm really disliking the whole moving so much slower. I'll take not being able to sprint as much as light armor, but moving constantly slower is a bit much.


Any idea if this is possible to do?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't mind the increased stamina drain, but without the Steed Stone or the old Conditioning perk, I'm really disliking the whole moving so much slower. I'll take not being able to sprint as much as light armor, but moving constantly slower is a bit much.


Any idea if this is possible to do?


There is increased movement speed enchantment, and the ones u find at shops are ~ 12% (if i remember) i think u can get close to 20 with points in enchanting and u can put these on gloves helmet necklace and probably ring.

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