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Script Help Needed - Transmute Iron into Salt


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Scriptname transmuteIronOreToSaltScript extends ActiveMagicEffect

{script for spell to allow transmutation of ores}


import game


MiscObject Property Ore01 Auto

{Lowest value ore}

MiscObject Property Ore02 Auto


Sound Property FailureSFX Auto

float property skillAdvancement = 15.0 auto

{How much to advance the skill? Only works when spell actually transmutes something}

message property failureMSG auto



EVENT OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

objectReference caster = akCaster

if caster.getItemCount(Ore01) >= 1

caster.removeItem(Ore01, 1, TRUE)

caster.addItem(Ore02, 1, TRUE)



; caster must have had no valid ore






This is what I've got so far. It's adapting the original script into a iron ore=salt pile generator.

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@hadoumastery: you haven't explained what the problem is.


I haven't got the CK in front of me, but I think salt is a potion like most foods are?




objectReference caster = akCaster


should be


ObjectReference caster = akCaster as ObjectReference


But that is redundant anyway, I think, because Actor already extends ObjectReference




Scriptname transmuteIronOreToSaltScript extends ActiveMagicEffect 
{script for spell to allow transmutation of ores}

import game

MiscObject Property Ore01 Auto 
{Lowest value ore}
Potion Property salt Auto 
Sound Property FailureSFX Auto 
float property skillAdvancement = 15.0 auto
{How much to advance the skill? Only works when spell actually transmutes something}
message property failureMSG auto

EVENT OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
if akCaster.getItemCount(Ore01) >= 1
	akCaster.removeItem(Ore01, 1, TRUE)
	akCaster.addItem(salt, 1, TRUE)
	; akCaster must have had no valid ore

Edited by steve40
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Oh one other thing, how do I turn the script into a .pex format?


To compile the script, right-click the script at the papyrus section of the magic effect (where you add the script) and select the option 'edit source'.

Then you can either 'save' or 'compile' it. If the compiler doesn't find anything to complain about, it will produce a .pex file.


Once the script is compiled you'll need to edit the properties (Properties -> Edit Value).

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I see, thanks again!


-I ran into an error. The error reads...


Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...

Compiling "transmuteMineralScript"...

c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\transmuteMineralScript.psc(0,0): filename does not match script name: transmuteironoretosaltscript

No output generated for transmuteMineralScript, compilation failed.


Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.

Failed on transmuteMineralScript


Also, it seems to be replacing the original script. Any idea what to do to fix this?


-Ok I fixed an invalid object reference to salt, because it's actually called SaltPile. After that it still persists to give me the error, anything you can think of?

Edited by hadoumastery
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The error is self-explanatory: file name does not match script name. The name of the script inside the code (after ScriptName ...) must match the name of the .psc file.


Make a new script. You can do this either from the papyrus section of the magic effect (Add -> New Script) or the Papyrus Script Manager (right-click -> New). Name it TransmuteIronOreToSaltScript, it extends ActiveMagicEffect -> OK. Copy-Paste your code to the script and make sure the name after ScriptName is the same. Now it should compile.

Edited by Ghaunadaur
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