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PerkUP - Ultimate Perk Mod


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This is a fantastic mod that adds hundreds (perhaps thousands) of new perks to the game, allowing a lot of specialization, and it's fully modular as well. Though it's in a useable state, it still has bugs and balance issues, and is (apparently) in need of some cleaning up. The author mentioned something to the effect of lots of duplicate formids, or somesuch... Poking through the comments would shed more light on what this mod needs.

In any case, it hasn't had an update in almost 7 months now, and the mod author, slayerjerman, gave full permission for anyone to "mod, edit, fix, distribute this mod, please give me credit where credit is due if you use it!" It would be great if an experienced modder could take up this project before Bethesda introduces a patch or dlc that breaks it completely.

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