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HELP with adding new racial ability on loading game.


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I am making a mod that will add an ability to the Khajiit player allowing him to jump higher. I made a magic effect that runs a script I made. When I start up a new game, the ability works with no problem. When I exit and restart the game and load up the save, It shows i have the ability but the jumping is normal. But when I remove the spell and re-add it with console command, the jumping ability works again. I an kinda new to this and I have now Idea how to fix it. Here is the script I added to the magic effect;


Scriptname _ROT_RaceKhajiitJump extends activemagiceffect
Float jumpHeight
Event OnEffectStart(actor t, actor c)
jumpHeight = Game.GetGameSettingFloat("fJumpHeightMin")
Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpHeightMin", jumpHeight*1.5)
Event OnEffectFinish(actor t, actor c)
Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpHeightMin", jumpHeight)
I want this to be able to run when i load up my saves. I don't know if I have to make a quest to add the spell to the khajiit player when game starts or not. If so I would like some help with how to do make the quest. If anyone has an idea, I would love to hear it. Please be kind and I don't know much about scripting either. Learning as I go.
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