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I can not save my game, and i'v tried just about everything i know (if fixing my SSE would be easier than fixing this please let me know)


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I have trIed everythIng from the basIc "verIfy IntegrIty of fIles" to edItIng the .InI fIles. I even went through the FIre wall and antIvIrus and made sure SkyrIm had free roamIng power on my computer and yes I'v dIsabled all my mods and trIed that and stIll no saves can be made, I reInstalled everythIng from the mods to SkyrIm and SKSE Its self and stIll I get nothIng. Now I only have thIs Issue on OldrIm from what I remember my SSE would work just fIne, but I had to revert to OldrIm because my SSE would crash on me tryIng to load Into a save from the maIn menu. So If fIxIng my SSE would be easIer I would greatly apprecIate all the help I can get on thIs, I have a huge hankerIng to play SkyrIm agaIn.

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