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[LE] Does incoming damage stack?


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  • 2 months later...

Hey, I'm new to modding, and I have the same question. I've done some testing with "mod incoming damage, multiply value" entry point and I think values don't stack, but multiply. At least in "multiply value" case. In my tests I made 2 perks which multiplied incoming damage by 0.5 and it's resulted in decreased overall damage by 75%. For example when I took 100 damage with only one perk active, damage was redused by 50. With second perk I still took damage, but it was halved again, resulting in approximately 25 damage taken. I might be wrong, because I run my game with lots of mods and there is a crapload of values to be taken into account.


P.s. I realise my answer is more than a year late, but I hope it will be useful to other searchers.

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