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Trying to change some of the flags around


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So in the DefaultContent.ini file there is a list of countries and a set of numbers detailing their flags position on the main flag graphics file (i assume)


It looks something like this:




Flags=(Country=eCountry_USA, U=0.0, V=0.0)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Russia, U=0.25, V=0.0)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_China, U=0.5, V=0.0)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_UK, U=0.75, V=0.0)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Germany, U=0.0, V=0.125)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_France, U=0.25, V=0.125)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Japan, U=0.5, V=0.125)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_India, U=0.75, V=0.125)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Australia, U=0.0, V=0.25)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Italy, U=0.25, V=0.25)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_SouthKorea, U=0.5, V=0.25)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Ireland, U=0.75, V=0.25)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Sweden, U=0.0, V=0.375)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Spain, U=0.25, V=0.375)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Norway, U=0.3, V=0.375)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Canada, U=0.75, V=0.375)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Netherlands, U=0.0, V=0.5)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Israel, U=0.25, V=0.5)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Egypt, U=0.5, V=0.5)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Brazil, U=0.75, V=0.5)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Argentina, U=0.0, V=0.625)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Mexico, U=0.25, V=0.625)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_SouthAfrica, U=0.5, V=0.625)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_SaudiArabia, U=0.75, V=0.625)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Ukraine, U=0.0, V=0.75)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Nigeria, U=0.25, V=0.75)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Scotland, U=0.5, V=0.75)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Greece, U=0.75, V=0.75)

Flags=(Country=eCountry_Belgium, U=0.0, V=0.875)


Now, as you can see those numbers refer to the X/Y coordinates of the flag on the main flag file, so theoretically you should be able to change the flags around by changing the numbers.


Ive tried changing the norwegian flag to display as a swedish flag (because sweden and norway share a namelist in the game and norwegian names are not the same as swedish ones, and me being swedish i preferred swedish names.)

But it just doesnt seem to work.

Ive changed both the DefaultContent.ini files (one under the games main folder and one under the mygames folder in documents.)



Anyone else know of anything that could help here?

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This mod managed to replace at least 2 of the existing flags.


Yes, but only by using an exterior program. It should be possible (theoretically) to do it by just changing those flag values.

Does anyone know if they are embedded in the .exe just like some of the other .ini file values?

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Probably. Seems like most things in the default config files get overwritten by the .exe, with a few exceptions. I'm guessing this isn't one of them. I've scoured through XComGame.exe quite a bit though, and I haven't come across references to flags. Edited by BGBailen
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