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Looking for people to help me make a total conversion mod and to critique my fanon.


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So I've been working on some fanon or personal lore mainly about Georgia but there is some stuff in there about the surrounding states. Just in case you didn't know there basically is no lore at all when it comes to the South especially the Southeast and since I personally live in Georgia I though why not write my own lore and come up with my own factions and things that I feel would or at least could be in an official game or at least in the lore somewhere. In addition to writing my own lore I also came up with the idea to make a total conversion mod for the game putting all that lore I made to good use. I made a PDF of everything I have written so far and while I tried my best and did all the research I could (seriously I spent entire days just researching and searching through everything i could to be as lore-friendly and as realistic as possible) I'm not perfect and i'm positive there are several inconsistencies and things that could be changed or added in to make it fit in the lore better, therefore I welcome and encourage any and everyone to tell me what I should change, add in, take out and just critique it, also, give me any suggestions for names or better names for some of the factions or weapons are wildlife anything is welcome. Just a heads-up for when you read the PDF; IT IS 25 PAGES LONG, yes 25 pages divided up into sections, while it's a lot I hope you read it all or at least most of it before giving criticism. Please keep all criticism serious and if you're trying to tell me to add something or change a name or change something else make sure what you're proposing fits in the lore and is lore friendly or at least seems like it would be in the lore or seems Fallout enough.

Now when it comes to the mod i'm thinking about making it would take place in Georgia and be in the Piedmont region (Northern region) being drastically different from Fallout 4 and changing a lot of things like adding in ethnicities to choose in the beginning of the game (like races in TES) and bring back features from the old games whilst keeping some of the new ones, overall though i'm trying to make it a lot like New Vegas only with a much different story however I want there to be much more ways of impacting the story with choices made in side missions effecting the main missions and even the ending in many ways while also having multiple endings to truly make people get the Fallout and OG Bethesda/Obsidian feeling we've been craving (though Outer Worlds came out so there's that). Bottom line is I have a lot of ambitions for this project and big plans that I obviously can't do myself and accompany that with the fact that I have extremely little knowledge of modding outside of the bare basics and you can see why i'm asking for help; so if you're interested in joining the team i'm putting together click the link to the Discord here https://discord.gg/9c8pv4 or just e-mail me at [email protected], right now I don't have a name for the project so it's just called the "Fallout Georgia Project" though if you can come up with a better one feel free to share your ideas.

Anyway that's it (dang I wrote a lot) so if you want to critique it you can or if you're interested in making this ambitious mod with me then hit me up and let's collaborate. Wow, this is my first post.


P.S. If you think I came up with a name for one of the factions then odds are I probably chose the name cause it means something in another language like Latin or something or has some meaning behind it, there is only 2 words that I actually made up one of which I actually got by combining three words into one so just try to do some research first alright, thanks. :smile:



Edited by dylen609
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looks and sounds would like if some one made some Chinese power armor if they could find a way to fit it into the lore. what quest can we look forward to seeing and can you try to see if you can get the wars and peace mods to work with yours if look in the forums here you can find them

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Thanks for the feedback, the Chinese power armor idea sounds cool and actually I hadn't thought of that however there is no lore on China making any power armor models and in fact from what i've read they actually didn't make any though if you have any ideas you can post them and if I come up with a cool concept for Chinese power armor that fits into the lore i'll be sure to tell you. When it comes to the quests I haven't came up with any concepts or ideas for them as i'm still trying to get a team together to begin work on a prototype and come up with a name for the project, if you have any ideas on quests or names for the mod though feel free to post it cause anything is welcome. Lastly, when it comes to the mods you're talking about i'll be sure to make them compatible with my mod and i'll contact both mod's creators to see if we can work something out and maybe add in some extra features to the mod that utilize those mods.

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for the chinese power armor you could have it like they wanted to make power armor but never had any then find some broken usa power armor fix it up use it then they there own 100% chinese power armor kind of like not as good as us armor but better with time as for a name for there power you could call it hong long 23. no rush take your time but what do you think of all the big quest mods comming out for fallout 4 like fallout london fallout lonestar fallout miami fallout cascadia and many many more like fallout 4 new vegas what mods will work with your mod and which will not. as for name for your mod how about awakening ?

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yeah some one needs to make a chine mod i going by fallout 4 lore 210 or 211 years have gone by some the chinese army have saved them selfs from the nukes by going to underground bases undersea bases or far away inland fro the bombs to be safe. o how or you going to work the dlc of fallout 4 into your mod cause the one thing i did not like about the dlc for fallout 4 was not a enough story based dlc and one thing in the base game of fallout 4 that needed looking at was the minutemen they could have been so much and a lot stuff added to them like more and better weapons and armor maybe power armor even. and this to you and all the moders out there but happened to the us air force the navy marines coast guard. the army i know what happened to them they are the enclave and the brotherhood of steel.

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