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Help Generating LOD with multiple mods


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So I've been trying to turn skyrim into my ideal winter wonderland. One of the main mods i'm using to do this is Winter Overhaul 2019. I'm pairing that with 3D Trees and plants. I like the Snowy Trees from 3D so i'm using those to replace the vanilla trees. The problem is when I try generating LOD I end up having no Tree LOD in game. Trees just appear as I get closer. 3D Trees and plants does have special instructions to Install the Billboard files. I've followed them. 3D's LOD works just fine if I install it and the Billboards by themselves. The issue is once I try to generate LOD with Winter Overhaul and 3D. I've also tried multiple times to just reinstall Skyrim and start over with how I install certain mods and in what order. Sometimes even with identical install order and load order instead of missing LOD my game crashes when trying to load the Skyrim overworld. Here is a full list of my mods and the load order. https://imgur.com/pmN0rG3


My guess as to why it's not working properly is because Winter Overhaul replaces vanilla trees with the snowy vanilla trees. So when I use 3D to replace the snowy trees SSELODGEN get's confused. It's not sure how to generate lod for an object that's not supposed to be there I guess. But that's just my uneducated theory. I'm not sure how it works or how to get the LOD to generate properly for what I want. Does anyone know how?

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