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Looney Tunes of Skyrim


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Imagine Skyrim with all the characters replaced with Looney Tune characters. Imagine General Tullius replaced with Marvin the Martian; Tweety Braith; Henery Heimskr Hawk; Bugs Balgruuf Bunny; Hugo the Abominable Snotrolls; Hag Witch Hazels; Beaky Buzz Greybeards; Ulfric Leghorn; Sylvester Pussy Khajiits; Yosemite Sam-Fist; Road Runner being chased by a scrawny lychin, re-textured from those stupid looking, rat things called wolves - Wile E Coyote.


Of coarse, it would be a big, years long project. You would need to modify the Dialogue scripts and Professional voice impersonators to add the Personality and cadence to the characters.

If it was ever pulled off, it would be the greatest goof of Skyrim or even FO4.

Edited by WSChase
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