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Armored dickies outfit short sleeve with bullet proof vest


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And a bullet proof vest over it. I really like Dickie's there so indestructible they shouldn't be too torn up but a little dirt and stains will make it match the other clothing. Also breezes would be the preferred body.

Thanks for reading don't be a stranger in replying.


PS. for boots any black shoes or boots which you think match.

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Hey Harveeymon, how's it going?


And a bullet proof vest over it. I really like Dickie's there so indestructible....PS. for boots any black shoes or boots which you think match.


Kind of slammed on some projects and need to hit falloutgods69's armor request so I'm short on time. But if you hunt down the models that look like hte items you want (and get permission for them if they aren't vanilla content) and save me the footwork, then It should only take a few minutes for me to throw the pieces together in blender. For the armored vest I'd suggest Joshua Graham's if you have honest hearts, it's a sleeker look. But if not you can go with teh bulkier vault 101 armored vest.


The actual dickies I'll let you hunt down so you can find exactly what your looking for. Don't worry about the color, it's easy to re-texture them, just focus on something that is as close in shape as possible to what you want.

Edited by devinpatterson
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what about the Powder Gang soldier outfit the pants will work but the shirt needs to be untucked and the sleeves need to be shortened also the boots form the merc trouble maker armor will workif you could put them under the pants and thanks for taking requests it means a lot to us EDIT i have honest hearts Edited by harveeymon
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what about the Powder Gang soldier outfit the pants will work but the shirt needs to be untucked and the sleeves need to be shortened


Ok that's a good base IMHO, now you just need to locate a outfit with a short sleeved shirt that would work for you, especially if you want it untucked, and we should be in business.


also the boots form the merc trouble maker armor will workif you could put them under the pants and


sure the boots won't be a problem.


thanks for taking requests it means a lot to us EDIT i have honest hearts


No worries, you'll actually be doing most of the work, I'll just be putting together the pieces.

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a few short sleeved sleeved male armors of the top of my mind are the merc grunt and merc veteran but two right female merc adventurer sleeves would work perfectly and for the bottom of the adventurer armor would work for the untucked shirt and so would the powder ganger plain armor actually if you could just shorten the sleeves and button the powder ganger plain that would work
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I think we need a shirt that closer to the dickies. The merc grunt uses a t-shirt, and it's model is going to reflect that due to the mesh and normal texture. The merc adventurer and the powder ganger plain outfit have coats that are untucked, but not shirts. If your able to locate an outfit with a shirt like the dickies your finial outfit is going to be much better. I know it's kind of a hassle, but I guess it's up to you how much of a trade off you want, re: effort vs quality.


If you have the time/patience, why not look around a little more and see if there is something closer. Primarily the qualities were looking for are short sleeved, and untucked. Most of the rest of the shirt from the belt line up (excluding the sleeves) will be covered by the armored vest.

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this would be perfect for the sleeves http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Pre-War_outfit_%28Fallout:_New_Vegas%29

so prewar casual wear top + prewar business wear bottom + vest + merc boots = profit

what is your opinion and Quetzlsacatanango have you seen a basic untucked shirt around the nexus

Edited by harveeymon
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