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The Walking Dead RP


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Ok since my Dead Wastes didn't go through I thought I'd try something alittle easier to get into. I've been a fan of the TWD Comics for sometime and enjoy the television series. So here is the sign up sheet for the RP. For those that don't know much about The Walking Dead let me illuminate.



Simply overnight Zombies struck, in the year 2010 the world ended. Over half the human population was killed by the dead and returned as the undead with the intent on eating human flesh. Mass panic and chaos lead to the destruction of most major cities and the survivors fled to the outskirts of the cities to live in seclusion where possible. These survivor groups face insurmountable hardships and trials of ever running or trying to find safety and solace from the impending undead.


Now for everyone to know the simple rules.


The events take place along the television storyline, yes it does resemble the storyline of the comics but there are differences and those differences are major in some places but for sake of argument we will stick to the Television Story that way people can get into it easier.


You cannot control one of the TV show characters or comic book characters. Wouldn't be right but you can encounter them as long as you do it within reason.


You are not an all-powerful warrior, its better to avoid Walkers then to fight them so you can't single handedly wipeout a part of Walkers.


You fight and scrape for everything you have so when starting you don't have much more then alittle food and water plus a weapon of some sort (Baseball Bat, knife, pistol with a magazine)


You CAN be the leader of your own group of survivors or be a loner so feel free to tackle it in your own way.



Your character is usually an average person but feel free to be a Soldier leading a group of people or be the lone woodsmen hunting for yourself and dodging the Walkers. But you are NOT Immune to a Walker's bite.


And as always, Have Fun people...its just a game.




Character Sheet:




Description: (Skin color, Eye color, Height, Hair Color etc)


Appearance: (Clothing or Armor)


Equipment: (Backpack with food, spare clothes, camping gear and Road Flares. .357 Magnum revolver with twelve shots. Crowbar and Hatchet. Canteen and Bedroll)


Background: (Where your from, what you did before the outbreak how you survived the outbreak your political or religious views)

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Consider this my expression of interest. I love the show, and wish I had the comics. I'll toss you a char sheet in the coming days. Also, I do believe you have a character in my RP who needs a few posts. :whistling:
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Name: Logan Howlett


Description: Caucasian, Male, Long straight hair, Dark hair, Blue eyes, Twenty-One years old, Six feet tall, Stubble


Appearance: Black Leather Jacket, Dark Blue Jeans, Avenged Sevenfold t-shirt, Combat Boots


Equipment: M4A1 Carbine, Six magazines of Ammunition, Two cans of canned beans, One bottle of water, Broken .44 Revolver, Military backpack


Background: Logan was born into a middle-class military family, situated in Boston, Massachusetts. His father had been a Colonel in the United States Marines and his mother had been a Captain of a ship in the Navy. Because of this they were almost always away and he was left with his little sister Lucia to watch after. When Logan graduated high-school he enlisted in the United States Marine Corps, as he wanted to continue the family tradition.


Logan served in the Marines for two years before being discharged. When he returned home however, things had already gone to s***. His first priority was to find Lucia, who at this time was in Preschool. He hurried over to her school to find almost everyone either dead or infected. While searching the school Logan was attacked and broke his .44 revolver. He later found a dead soldier with a M4A1 Carbine and six magazines of ammunition.


Just when all hope was lost, and Logan thought that Lucia had died, she appeared with her friend Myles, both unharmed and unbitten. Logan quickly led them away from the school and the three are now living in a wooded area outside of Boston.





Name: Lucia 'Lucy' Howlett


Description: Caucasian, Female, Four years old, Blue eyes, Long straight hair, Dark hair


Appearance: Dora the Explorer t-shirt, White and Pink sneakers, Light blue jeans


Equipment: Dora the Explorer backpack


Background: Lucia was born into a middle-class military family, situated in Boston, Massachusetts. Her father had been a Colonel in the United States Marines and her mother had been a Captain of a ship in the Navy. Because of this they were almost always away and she was left with her older brother Logan to watch after her. When Logan graduated high-school he enlisted in the United States Marine Corps, and Lucia moved in with her aunt.


Lucia was at preschool the day things went south. Her and her friend Myles Larkin were playing with toys when she heard a scream. The teacher walked out only to return bitten. In the panic that soon followed, Lucia and Myles ran and hid in the girls bathroom.


The two stayed quiet by hugging each other and what-not until they heard gunshots from a .44 revolver. When things quieted down they emerged to find Logan. He then led the two to an wooded area outside of Boston.



Name: Myles Larkin


Description: Four years old, Brown hair, Curly hair, Caucasian


Appearance: Spiderman t-shirt, Jeans, White sneakers


Equipment: Batman backpack


Background: Myles was born into a upper middle-class family. His mother was the Superintendent of the school district and his father was a police officer. He has no siblings and no pet's (unlike Lucia).


When the infection started he was in Preschool with his best friend Lucia Howlett. When Lucia heard a scream he knew it was something bad, and that was confirmed when the teacher came back with a large bite mark on her arm. Myles doesn't remember much about what happened afterwards besides that Lucy's brother, Logan saved them. He is now living in a wooded area outside of Boston with Logan and Lucia.

Edited by AGhostdogg10
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Name: Daniel Howling-Coyote


Description: Tall and lithe, long dark braided hair with a eagle feather interwoven, light brown skin.


Appearance: Wears a brown leather jacket and blue jeans, fingerless gloves and red scarf tied around his neck.


Equipment: Backpack with some food, a canteen of water, compound bow with twenty arrows, a hunting knife, a Mares Leg (sawed off lever action rifle) with fifty rounds in a very old gun holster (Belonged to his grandfather)


Background: Daniel was born in Arizona, His mother being Navajo and his father being Apache he grew up on the reservations. When the outbreak happened he was travelling, after his stint in the Marines he came back and found his grandfather dead, taken with grief he took to wandering. The outbreak happened when he was in Boston. He managed to escape to the towns outskirts and has been living in the forests outside of Boston by using the survival skills his grandfather taught him in his youth. He adopted his grandfathers name Howling-Coyote after his grandfather gave him the name Little-Coyote as a child since his natural grace and agility. When he left his grandfather (the elder of the family) declared his name Howling-Coyote. He left for Iraq during the Operation Iraqi Freedom Campaign and came back after two tours. He speaks English, Navajo, Apache and some Iraqi as he was his squads translator.

Edited by Macman253
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Name: Alice Jager


Description: Caucasian female, 5"5 in height, short cropped black hair, dark blue eyes, athletic build, 23 yrs old, oh and a hairline scar running

from her right temple to her jaw ... a parting gift she received from her now very dead ex boyfriend just as he "turned" at the dinner table while still

eating with his knife in hand.

Unfortunately for him she had been watching his "changing" and had armed herself with a borrowed screwdriver which she promptly jammed

through his eyeball into his brain ... damn she cried a lot afterwards, he was "the guy" she'd been waiting for for so long, now she had to kill him.


Clothing: Dark blue Sissyboy stretch jeans, Tan coloured Caterpillar ankle high boots, Nike pro-essentials compression sports bra for um keeping

everything in place while she eliminated the undead and any clean black T shirt she could find, and lastly the tight fitting bomber jacket her dead

ex gave her for Christmas.


(Oh and the name brand thing is just a once off to inform not something to consistently punt.)


Extras in her hiking backpack: Woolen cap, swiss army knife, roll of fishline, sinkers 'n hooks, small flashlight, ballpein hammer, compact - who says

you shouldn't look good in a @%^&$# up world right ?, mac black lipstick, a roll of plasters, headache tablets, hand sanitizer, tooth brush etc.,

a magnifying glass to mention just a few.


Weapons: A Glock 19 compact concealed in a belly band, her trustee 6" screwdriver, and lastly a pump action shotgun with sawn-off barrel for those

"aaaaaahh yuck get the hell off me" moments.


Background: Alice grew up on a farm with her grandparents after her mom died, her dad didnt have time for her as he constantly travelled ... finally

around about her 13th birthday or so, he got the position he was after and brought her back to the city, New York city to be exact.

At first she hated the noise, lights and crowds, preferring the quiet country life and of course Alan the boy from the neighboring ranch.

But her dad would have none of it and enrolled her into a private school. He really tried to make up for the lost years and with the passing of time,

Alice forgave him and warmed to him, seeing the person that her mom fell in love with and she too started loving him.

Life was terrific, she lacked for nothing, she was a combination of beauty and brains but constantly bummed out when it came to her choice of man.

Marsha her closest friend had kept ranting on and on about joining some save the rainforest organisation working in Brazil and invited her to join "for

just six little old months and what an opportunnity to meet Dr John he's on the shortlist for the next Nobel prize for Environments you know".

She had sopken to dad and after a thorough background check of the "famous Dr John" gave a cautious alright.

But then just three months away from her venture into the jungle she met Mike at a dinner party party hosted by her father's company.

What a godsend, he was working for daddy, had a quiet yet determined spirit, could almost be classified as a bit nerdy, was almost handsome yet, and

this was the clincher for her, he seemed to always know exactly what was going on in her head even before she did and despite this uncanny ability he

never took advantage of her, instead he made the best choice for them as a couple.


Then all hell broke loose in the world with the reports of "zombies" coming in ... the city was a mess, hordes of crazed panic stricken people roamed the

streets armed to the teeth and wiped out most of the zombies but their numbers were growing thin as the undead streamed in from across the river.

The army came in and burnt them out too, but also began getting infected, some said the virus was airborne, no one really knew.

Alice and Mike were holed up in their penthouse suite stocked up to the hilt with food and water, they were safe and armed with a small security team that daddy had hired.

But after a few months when the food ran out, Mike joined the security team in a recce for food and that was when he was bitten.

He was dead now and she had escaped the security team whom she overheard talking about "breeding her" for the future of mankind.


Alice was alone and angry with the world, she hated the zombies with a passion for screwing up her life, her world that had just begun to open up.

Alice was still stuck in New York and decided to head out into the country to her grandparents farm.

Alice had taken out a group of zombies this morning their thick blood and body parts were splattered all over the sidewalk, damn she felt good.

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Yep, decided this would be a cool RP to join. Read some of the comics and watch the series. Oh, and I'm using a different char sheet format if that's okay, it's more detailed. As usual if it's incomplete it'll be because I've been booted off the computer by one of my siblings.


Name: Curtis Dawhill


Gender: Male


Age: 18


Karmic Alignment: Like anybody, varies, but if he has a choice, good.


Appearance: The most notable part of Curtis' appearance that is normally visible is his bright blue eyes. Underneath all the head covering he has neck-length brown hair and stubble, and fair skin. He's about average height and build, although because of the physical stresses of the post-apocalyptic world he's quite fit.


Clothing/armor: He tries to keep most of himself hidden-save the eyes- for a reason known only to him. He wears a black baseball cap and a drab green scarf. He wears green army pants and leather hiking boots, a navy-blue T-shirt and a black hoodie. He keeps and uses as many bags as he can find and use, and as such his waist is decorated with belt-bags that contain numerous different items, such as water bottles, food cans, and smaller survival tools such as waterproof matches, a first aid kit, and a rain jacket. He keeps some things in his leather backpack as well, with a garbage bag placed on top to protect it from the rain.


Weapons: A 9mm pistol (4 extra clips.) that he took from the corpse of a police officer. He carries mostly melee weapons, because they are silent and don't attract attention. He carries a crowbar (very versatile.) a baseball bat that he hammered some nails through, a pipe that he means to sharpen sometime, and a survival knife that's used more for practical purposes than combat. He is quite proficient with all of them.


Skills/Occupation: Drifter/Survivalist


Personality: At heart he's a nice guy, still has a teenage spirit of sorts. However, so much time spent out in the field has rendered him slightly insane (Not dangerous insane.) . Sometimes he experiences hallucinations, and he attaches personalities to inanimate objects. He occasionally laughs at things that aren't funny. Time away from people has cramped his social skills. He's not dangerous to people unless he is threatened by them, however, despite how much he might look like a complete psycho from a distance. Despite not being able to show it for months, he's quite protective of his friends.


History/Background: Curtis was a regular guy who was taking a break from school before he went off to join the military (never got there, so no training. His skills are self-developed.) His entire family was killed by walkers late into the outbreak, leaving an emotionally-scarred Curtis to bury them and strike out on his own. He scavenged as many things as he could from the neighbourhood before he went into the country alongside one of his high school buddies, Windsor. A walker attack on a farmhouse where they had taken shelter within killed Windsor, which left Curtis completely alone.


Out on the road afterwards was where Curtis really began to begin his descent into partial-insanity, in no small part due to survivor's guilt. He drifted several states and found himself on the edge of a forest several miles from Boston.

Edited by Flipout6
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