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The Walking Dead RP


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I like this character of mine. He's a crazy guy, I like that fact. It's fun acting insane.


Btw, you'd be welcome in the RP, mythic!

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Gore is oh so fun :tongue: Hopefully i'll get around to thinking of a sheet at some point, but this seems like a laid back, purely for fun Rp, so no rush eh?


Yay Mythic ... let's go kill some Zombies honey ... kaboom boom ya dead

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Too right honey. :tongue:

As i'm sure you can all tell, i really am not going to be taking this one seriously :biggrin:


Name: Alexia Diederich


Age: 27


Description: 6ft and a bit, 48kg, and a D-cup. They usually sum up Alexia to any onlookers. Other notable features are her high pronounced cheekbones, her squared, finely chiselled jawline, her light brown eyes, and her large, expressive eyes. She cares about her looks more than she does anything else, wearing her long brunette hair in a modern twist on vintage finger curls, and is always in glossy red lipstick, black liquid eyeliner, and a tone of pearly white above her eyes.


Clothing: Before the outbreak of zombies, she had a large collection of designer gear and Haute Couture, a whole step in wardrobe of heels, and more accessories than a jewellery store. But they are all pretty out of bounds right now with zombies in her old house. Currently she is in a white tanktop, leather hot pants, and a pair of ankle length gianmarco lorenzi heels. Oh, and a red lacey bra that is visible through her tanktop.


Equipment: She carries around a golfclub as her primary weapon, a bag of spare clothes and cosmetics, and an mp3 player and headphones.


Personality: Alexia is a chatty, flirty, and party hard kind of girl. She values friends almost as much as her looks, and is a fun person to be around. She finds it exceptionally fun dealing with zombies the hard way, laughing and joking when smacking there heads in with her club. She also dances randomly while strolling the streets listening to her mp3 player. When she says she likes to part hard, she means it, all manner of drinks, cigarettes, drugs and guys, she's done them all.


Background: originally from Russia, Alexia moved to germany to be with her fathers family, but after finding no modelling work over there, she packed up and moved the the USA. She found work as a model for cosmetics companies like MAC, lingerie outlets, and a few catwalk shows, which she ultimately gave up to stick with lingerie


At the time of the outbreak she was in the middle of a photoshoot, when suddenly a group of workers came in and ate the photographer, initially she thought it was part of the shoot, but when they pulled off the guys arms and started eating them, she knew it wasn't a joke. She ran out of the building and headed home, grabbing a pack of clothes and makeup, her golfclub, and a few other bits and bobs, she got out and ran for her life, stopping wherever it looked safe. More peeved over the fact she wasn't getting paid because the stupid photographer got ate, than the fact there were zombies everywhere.

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